Global Perspectives Grant Score Sheet
Are funds requested to support international travel of College of Agriculture and Natural Resources
faculty or extended-term academic professionals; to bring in foreign visitors who will actively
participate in activities that contribute to a better understanding of global issues; or to increase
research on how to enhance Wyoming’s competitiveness in world markets?
If yes, then proceed. No, not eligible
Are funds requested for communication expenses, travel, supplies, and seed money for collaborative
research, instructional, and/or extension projects that address global issues?
If yes, then proceed. No, not eligible
Are funds requested strictly for salaries, attendance at international conferences, study-abroad
programs, student travel, or foreign internships?
If yes, then the proposal is not eligible, no need to proceed. No
Scoring system: rate the following aspects of the proposal using a 1-5 scale, with 1 being the lowest and
5 being the highest.
1. Basis for project and project benefits 1 2 3 4 5
(Does the project address one or more of the selection criteria?)
Selection Criteria:
a) Provide benefits to the College of Agriculture and Natural Resources and state of Wyoming
consistent with the strategies and priorities of the college’s current strategic plan
b) Foster meaningful cooperation that addresses common issues between the College of Agriculture and
Natural Resources and its global partners;
c) Increase Global Perspectives content in teaching, research, and/or extension programs;
d) Enhance the external funding of the college;
e) Increase the capacity of faculty and academic professionals to value cultural differences, understand
global issues, and work with global partners.
2. Project objectives 1 2 3 4 5
(Are the objectives clearly stated and reasonable?)
3. Project methods 1 2 3 4 5
(Are the methods appropriate to accomplish the stated objectives?)
4. Expected outputs 1 2 3 4 5
(Is there a clear plan to produce something tangible?)
5. Expected outcomes and impacts 1 2 3 4 5
(Does the proposal address the potential to increase knowledge, change behaviors, or enhance
economic, social or environmental values?)
6. Future cooperation and follow-up plans 1 2 3 4 5
(Does the proposal describe a plan for evaluation after the duration of the award? Is there evidence of
efforts extending beyond one year?)
7. Arrangements 1 2 3 4 5
(Are arrangements with foreign hosts and partners documented?)
PI Name:
clear form
Please include at least one or two sentences stating both the positive and negative aspects of the
proposal. Your anonymous comments will be shared with the applicant!