Glenwood Springs Fire Department
Permit Application
101 W. 8
St. Glenwood Springs, CO 81601
Phone: (970) 384-6480 Fax (970) 945-8506
Project/Site Name________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Type of Business_________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Number & Street___________________________________________________________ Suite or Area___________________________________
County_______________________________________ City of _____________________________________
Company Name__________________________________________________________________________________________________________
City__________________________________________________________ State________________________ Zip_________________________
Phone (____) ________________________ Fax (____) _______________________ Email _____________________________________________
Type of Submittal or Service Requested (check all that apply)
Fireworks Stand(s) # _________
Indoor Pyrotechnic Display (attach Requirement Form)
Outdoor Pyrotechnic Display (attach Requirement
*Tent(s) # _________ (attach Requirement Form)
Lead-Acid Battery System
Generator System
Refrigeration System
Plans required with submittal
Medical Gas System
*Spray Booth
*Stationary Above Ground Storage Tank Inside Buildings
*Protected Above Ground Tank
Underground Storage Tank Remo
*Temporary Fuel Tank
*LP Gas Sales Storage
*Temporary LP Gas
Other ____________________________
Date of Event(s) or Expected Use
Additional Information:___________________________________________________________________________________________________
General Commen
ts: _____________________________________________________________________________________________________
Date Received: _____________________ By: ____________________ Review # ________________ Permit #___________________________
Date Paid _________________________ Fee ___________________ Check # _________________ Receipt # __________________________
Review/Permit Picked Up by:________________________________________________Representing:_________________________________
Plan Reviewer:
Fire Department Comments:
Yellow – Permit Applicant Pink – Inspecting FD Station White – FD Administration
* Permit fee is re
quired prior to or upon submittal of plans
Three (3) sets of plans are required for a plan review
* Any plans submitted without the required number of copies or incomplete information will result in plans being disapproved
* All plans submitted must include a completed “APPLICATION FORM
* For permit issue, provide Cut Sheets
and Job Costs
* Engineer’s stamp or NICET registration number and signature are required on all sprinkler and fire alarm plans
a) All sprinkler plans must have a hydraulic analysis of the water supply
b) All sprinkler plan drawings must have a hydraulic analysis submitted
* The Fire Prevention Bureau WILL NOT accept faxed plans
* Plans that are not picked up within forty-five (45) days will be discarded
rmit Fee Schedule:
Automatic Fire Protections Systems: Bldgs 0-15,000 sq ft Bldgs 15,001+ sq ft
Covers plans review and two $350 $550
inspections 13, 13R, 13D systems
Automatic Fire Alarm Systems: $350 $550
Covers plans review and two inspections
Standpipe System, not part of combination $150 $225
Fire Sprinkler System
Automatic Fire Protection System modification $150
Fire Alarm modification $150
Fire Pump and/or Jockey Pump: $200
Plans review, new install test
Water tanks for fire protection, including cistern $150
Plans review and two site inspections
Compressed Gas Installations, LP, Natural or $100
Other, permanent or temporary:
Plans review and one site inspection
Tents, Canopies and Other Membrane Structures $ 75
Tents in excess of 200 sq ft, canopies in excess of
400 sq ft, includes one site inspection
Kitchen Hood Fire Suppression Systems $200
Includes plans review and on site trip test
Fireworks $100
Includes one site inspection
Bulk Fuel Tank installation $300
Includes plans review and two site inspections
Re-inspection Fees in addition to the allotted
Amount shall be billed at: $ 50 per hour or part of an hour
Work without a permit or approval Double Fee (inspection fee and plans review),
Work shall stop until plans have been submitted,
Approved, and fees paid
For all other permits required by the 2015 International Fire Code but not listed above, no fee will be
charged. However, for those operations, an application shall be completed and on file with the Glenwood
Springs Fire Department. The building owner of business operator
shall renew these permits annually or as
required by Glenwood Springs Fire Department.