Girl Scouts–North Carolina Coastal Pines
6901 Pinecrest Road
Raleigh, NC 27613
Name of Girl Scout Gold Award Candidate: _______________________________________________
Name of Caregiver: __________________________________________________________________
Caregiver Phone Number: (_____) ______________________________________________________
Caregiver Email: ____________________________________________________________________
Caregivers play a significant role in supporting a girl’s path toward the Gold Award. However, it should be the
girl’s decision to complete the process, as it MUST be the girl’s project.
Caregivers can assist a girl by:
Reading through the materials so that you feel comfortable in offering support.
Remembering that her Gold Award project must be based on her passion.
Encouraging and supporting her.
Recognizing that she is capable, competent, and worthy of respect as she assumes greater citizenship,
responsibility, and leadership.
Aiding her in developing a network of adults.
Helping and supporting with safety, insurance, and money guidelines. This helps ensure the safety of
your daughter and others, as well as the integrity of the Girl Scout program.
Allowing her to stumble and learn the lessons that come with a Gold Award project. She will be working
with a project advisor, an adult who has skills specific to her project, and a Gold Award committee
member who has been trained to assist her.
Recognizing that her project is as unique as she is, so don’t compare her—or her project—to other girls
and their Gold Awards.
Being a cheerleader from the sidelines and helping when asked.
Joining in the celebration as she is honored for her accomplishments.
If your girl has any physical, emotional, or mental conditions (including dyslexia, ADHD, etc.) that would alter her
participation or evaluation of a Gold Award project in any way, you may choose to notify your Gold Award
committee liaison or the Gold Award program director and let us know what we can do to accommodate her
needs. Each Gold Award project is evaluated individually based on the girl’s ability.
The Gold Award represents a girl’s commitment to herself and to her community and allows her to focus on
leadership, career exploration, personal development, and her passions. It takes many hours of preparation,
planning, and hard work to accomplish the goals that she has set. Parents/caregivers play a significant role in
supporting a girl’s path. However, it should be the girl’s decision to pursue her Gold Award, as it MUST be the
girl’s project. She will be working with a project advisor, an adult who has skills specific to her project, and a Gold
Award committee liaison who has been trained to assist her and to provide support and guidance through any
issues or problems encountered.
Signature of Parent/Caregiver: _________________________________ Date: ___________________
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