Girl Scouts welcomes and serves girls and families from a wide spectrum of faiths and cultures. When
girls wish to participate in discussions or activities that could be considered sensitive—even for
some—put the topic on hold until you have spoken with parents and received guidance from
council. When Girl Scout activities involve sensitive issues, your role is that of a caring adult who can help girls
acquire skills and knowledge in a supportive atmosphere, not someone who advocates a particular
position. Our role is to help girls develop self-confidence and good decision-making skills that will help them make wise
choices in all areas of their lives.
Parents/guardians make all decisions regarding their girl’s participation in Girl Scout program that may
be of a sensitive nature. As a volunteer leader, you must get written parental permission for any
locally planned program offering that could be considered sensitive.
Dear Parent/Guardian,
Girl Scouts welcomes and serves girls and families from a wide spectrum of cultures. To be responsive to girls’ needs,
some Girl Scout activities focus on subjects that may be considered sensitive in nature. There is no definitive list of
sensitive issues.
Before covering any sensitive issue, either within or beyond the scope of Girl Scout program resources, we want to be
sure parents are aware of the content before it is presented. Therefore, written approval is required for each girl to
participate in any sensitive issue program.
Provided below is information about the appropriate age-level activities proposed. Please review and sign if you give
or deny permission for your daughter to participate in these activities.
Please check all that apply:
I have read the description of the activity planned. I understand that my Girl Scout will be exposed to issues
and discussions that are, or could be, considered to be of a sensitive or controversial nature. I have discussed
this activity and permit my Girl Scout to participate in the topic selected above.
I do not permit my Girl Scout to participate in the activity and discussion about the topics selected above.
Parent/Guardian Name Printed:
Parent Guardian Signature:
Return to Troop Leader by: Date To Be Entered by Troop Leader: