Take Action Project
Project Title:
Proposed Start Date: Proposed Completion Date:
Please select which, if any, of the following four national program pillars your project most closely
addresses. If necessary, check “Other” and elaborate.
Ǔ STEM: Discover all about engineering, computer science, and outdoor STEM through programming that will
ignite your interest and increase your condence and competency in STEM.
Ǔ Outdoor: Our progressive programs let you experience the outdoors as you build your skills and participate in
adventure opportunities that, eventually, will help you become a thoughtful and caring environmental steward.
Ǔ Life Skills: Civic engagement, healthy living, communication, nancial literacy, cultural arts, global
citizenship... You’ll gain skills in these important areas and more, enhancing what you’ve learned in
school and preparing you to succeed in the world.
Ǔ Entrepreneurship: Starting with the iconic Girl Scout Cookie program, you can change the world by learning
business skills and exploring a variety of entrepreneurial opportunities, including social entrepreneurship.
Ǔ Other:
Describe the issue your project will address and your target audience. (Remember your 15-second pitch.)
Discuss your reasons for selecting this project.
Outline the strengths, talents, and skills you plan to put into action. What skills do you hope to develop
over the course of your project?
Girl Scout Gold Award | Project Proposal
Your Name: