Legal Education
Name and Location of Institution__________________________________________________________
Degree _______________________________ Dates of Attendance_____________________________
Academic Awards, Honors, Scholarships___________________________________________________
Other Legal Education:
Name and Location of Institution__________________________________________________________
Degree _______________________________ Dates of Attendance_____________________________
Academic Awards, Honors, Scholarships___________________________________________________
Professional Experience
Name /Address of Employer_____________________________________________________________
Position______________________________Years there____________Telephone_________________
Ethnic Survey. Which of the following identify you? Check all that apply (Optional).
□American/Alaskan Indian □African American/Black □Asian □Caucasian/White □Two or more races
Are you of Hispanic origin? □ Yes □ No If Yes, please indicate. □ Chicano/Mexican □Cuban □Puerto Rican
Personal History
Have you ever been charged with or convicted of a crime, including expunged offenses (other than minor
non-alcohol-related traffic violations) or are any charges pending against you? ______ Yes ______No
As a member of, or applicant to, any profession or organization, or as a holder of any office, license, or
credential, have you ever been disciplined or had a license or credential suspended, revoked, or denied?
____ Yes ____ No
If the answer to either of the above questions is yes, please provide a statement on a separate sheet in which you provide full
details, identifying the crime, or pending charges, or license or credential involved, and providing the dates and details. If any such
events occur before registration, you must inform us.
Where did you learn about Golden Gate University School of Law’s LLM Program?
Websites: Other:
_____Find Your LLM _____GGU Law Brochure/ Publication (which?) _____________
_____LLM _____GGU Campus Event (which one?)___________________
_____LLM _____Current or Former Student (who?)___________________ _____LLM Fair (location?) ______________________________
_____OSEAS overseas advisor _____National Jurist magazine
_____Other website:______________ _____Recruiter (name)________________________________ _____Your own law school (website, exchange agreement, etc.)
_____Institute of Int’l Education (i.i.e.) _____Other advertisement (which?)______________________
By signing my name below, I certify to my best knowledge and belief that this application is correct in all aspects, and I understand
that if I am admitted to GGU, I must abide by the rules and regulations of the university and the School of Law. I understand that
knowingly providing false or inaccurate information in admission and/or financial aid application materials is grounds for denial of
admission or, if discovered after admission, for revocation of any offer of admission or immediate dismissal from the School of Law.
SIGNATURE_______________________________________________ Date: _____/______/ 20____