Mail or fax to: ASIFlex | P.O. Box 6044 | Columbia, MO 65205-6044
P: 800.659.3035 | F: 877.879.9038 | asiflex.com 12_2021
Get your account information. Instantly.
Manage your account anytime, anywhere.
• Sign up for email and text alerts.
• Sign up for direct deposit reimbursements.
• Submit claims and debit card documentation.
• View status of your claims and card transactions.
• Access your account statement and balance.
Register today!
If you have not done so, be sure to set up your online
account! Just go to asiflex.com, click on "Employee
Login" in the top right-hand corner. Click “Create an
Account” and follow the instructions.
If you are receiving mailed communication and paper checks from ASIFlex, go green today! Log in
to your Employee Login and update your personal account settings. Or, complete and return the
information below to ASIFlex. You can sign up for both text and email notifications.
Text notification – Receive account notifications via text message. Standard data rates may apply.
Cell phone number: ________________________________________
Email notification – Receive account notifications by email.
Email address: ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Direct deposit – Have payments deposited in a checking or savings account.
Bank name: _______________________________________________________________________________ Checking Savings
Routing number: ________________________________________ Account number: ___________________________________________
By including my direct deposit information above, I authorize ASIFlex to originate electronic credit
transactions to my checking or savings account and to credit the same to such account; and, if necessary, to
make deductions from my account for any payments credited to my account in error. This authority is to
remain in full force and effect until I notify ASIFlex of its revocation. ASIFlex and my bank shall be allowed a
reasonable time to act on such revocation.
Print name: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Employee ID number or Social Security number (last four digits only): _______________________________________
Employer name: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Signature:________________________________________________________________ Date: _______________________________________