Advising and Counseling Computer Center
Advising and Counseling Services staff are available to help
students with educational, career and/or personal life questions
and choices. We offer help with Steps for New Students, career
counseling options and educational plans. Call 503.399.5120 for
more information or e-mail Our office
is located on the first floor of Building 2 and online at
The Bookstore offers textbooks, student IDs, mail/UPS services,
theater tickets, fax, computers and electronics, general and
reference books, art/school supplies, gifts, candy/snacks, bus
passes, imprinted clothing, and much more. Open 7:30 am-5 pm
with extended hours the first two weeks of the term with the
exception of summer term. Visit
Career Center
Looking for work to pay for school? Need help finding a job after
you complete your degree? Stop by the Career Center in
Building 2, Room 115. We post hundreds of local jobs weekly!
We also provide one-on-one assistance with job searching,
resume and cover letter writing and interview preparation. Find
us online at
College Access Programs (CAP)
CAP includes federally-funded TRIO and CAMP programs, the
STEPS program, and Chemeketa Completion Program (CCP) to
help low-income, first-generation students, students with
disabilities, parenting students, and students from migrant
backgrounds succeed in college. CAP teaches students to be
successful in school and in life to overcome challenges, develop
a growth mindset and empower them to be self-sufficient.
Individualized services include advising, textbook and calculator
lending, tutoring, tuition-free classes, scholarships and computer
lab with free printing. Contact CAP at 503.315.4293, visit
Building 2, Room 230 or online
Student computers that run Windows and have many common
software applications are available for your use in the Library.
Instructional assistants are available to help you use the
software for course assignments. Printing, scanning and
wireless assistance is available. Student ID card required. Call
503.399.5043 or visit online at
Student Accessibility Services
Provides information about academic accommodations for
course work and testing, access to facilities, digital media
formats, sign language interpreters and campus resources.
Students are encouraged to contact Student Accessibility
Services early in the academic process to ensure materials and
services are provided in a timely manner. For information call
503.399.5192, visit us in Building 2, Room 174, or
Financial Aid
Various financial aid resources may be available to you as a
student. Stop by the office in the Enrollment Center, Building 2,
Room 200, to learn more about eligibility requirements,
available amounts and other special information about options
such as grants, scholarships, loans or work study. Visit, call 503.399.5018 or e-mail Applications and other forms are
available at any Chemeketa campus.
Language Lab
The Language Lab welcomes students and staff in the process
of developing their language skill, meeting a conversation
partner to practice language, or studying for class. The lab
features two instructional classrooms with 46 networked PC
workstations for language practice, assessment, and
communication. It also has a variety of media for independent
language study books to read, computer software and websites,
CDs, text books and DVDs. The language center is located in
Building 22, Rooms 108 and 109 on the Salem campus. Contact
us at 503.399.5290 or at
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