Transfer/Transient Credit Approval
West Virginia Wesleyan College
Academic Services / Registrar’s Office
59 College Avenue Buckhannon, WV 26201
Voice: 304.473.8471 FAX: 304.473.8531
Instructions for Students: 1. Complete all student information below.
2. Review policies regarding transfer of credit and sign.
3. Provide the transfer institution’s name, Registrar FAX number, and course descriptions.
You may attach the descriptions to this form or send them by email to
All information specified above must be provided or your request will not be processed.
Policies regarding transfer of credit:
1. Grade and quality points earned at another institution will not eliminate a deficit that may exist on work completed at WVWC.
2. If repeating a course that was taken at WVWC with a grade of C- or below, both grades will factor into the GPA (but earned hours will count only once).
3. At least 24 of the final 30 hours required for degree completion must be taken in residence at WVWC.
4. The other institution may require a statement of good standing and/or a transcript from WVWC ; it is the student’s responsibility to check on this.
5. No credit will be recorded until an official transcript is received by WVWC’s Office of the Registrar. We accept both hard and electronic copies.
I have read the policies and have been given the opportunity to ask for clarification.
I understand that it is my responsibility to request an official transcript sent to
“WVWC Office of the Registrar” when all work has been completed.
Student Signature _______________________________________________________________________
The above-named student is a degree-seeking candidate at West Virginia Wesleyan College. S/he has
permission to enroll in the course(s) listed below that have an “Approved” status and to transfer these credits &
grades back to WVWC. We appreciate you permitting the student to enroll under this authorization.
(complete first three boxes for each course; do not write in last two boxes) WVWC Registrar Use Only
Course description provided and reviewed via: ___email ____ attachment
___________ __________________________________________ Copy faxed/scanned to receiving institution
Date Approved Beth Lampinen, Assistant Registrar Copy given/scanned/mailed to student