6. Does th
e outside employer have any business dealings with CSU? If “yes”, please explain.
7. Are you involved in making any decisions affecting CSU’s dealings with the outside employer
(either directly or indirectly)? Describe: __________________________________________________________________
8. Additional comments (e.g., if compensation was donated, disclose here): _____________________________
Outside Employment/Activity 2:
1. Name of outside employer or business:____________________________________________________________________
2. Duration of employment: ____________________________________________________________________________________
3. Describe the nature of the outside employment: _________________________________________________________
Number of hours for reporting period: ______________________
. Total compensation received including equity or deferred compensation: ____________________________
6. Does the outside employer have any business dealings with CSU? If “yes”, please explain.
7. Are you involved in making any decisions affecting CSU’s dealings with the outside employer
(either directly or indirectly)? Describe: __________________________________________________________________
8. Additional comments (e.g., if compensation was donated, disclose here): _____________________________
6. Certification and Review
To be completed by the Employee:
I hereby affirm that the information on this form is accurate to the best of my knowledge, that I have read and
understand my obligations under the CSU’s policy on Outside Employment Disclosure, and that I will comply with
the conditions and restrictions imposed by the CSU to manage, reduce, or eliminate conflicts of
commitment/interest. I certify that my time commitment to the outside employer(s), if applicable, does not create
a conflict of commitment/interest that would interfere with CSU work assignments and satisfactory performance. I
also commit to providing an updated form to my immediate supervisor whenever a significant change occurs in the
information I have provided.
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date
To be completed by the Employee’s Immediate Supervisor/Appropriate Administrator:
I have reviewed this disclosure form and assessed whether the outside employment described above will create a
conflict of commitment or interest between the employee and the CSU. I find that:
the information submitted does not present a conflict of commitment or conflict of interest.
the information submitted may present a conflict of commitment or a conflict of interest.
Comments/recommendations (attach additional pages if necessary):
If applicable, submit Form and attachments to the independent review committee for
additional review and approval. Submit completed Form to HR.
Administrator’s Name (Print): __________________________________ Title, Dept: __________________________________________
__________________________________________________________ ___________________________
Signature Date