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How to complete the MV-9D Form
Temporary Placard: Complete Sections A, B, C, D and F. Note: Only licensed health care providers may certify disabilities for temporary placards. Temporary
placards may not be extended for an additional period of time. When additional time is needed, a new application must be completed and certified by a health
care provider. In addition, please list your previous placard number. Temporary placards are only issued for a period of time not to exceed six months.
Permanent Placard: Complete Sections A, B, C, D and F. Note: Individuals should list their Georgia Driver’s License number or Photo ID number in the space
provided. Businesses
should list their Business ID number (Bus. ID) where indicated (i.e., E.I.N.) and provide a copy of business license.
Special Permanent Placard: Follow the instructions for a Permanent Placard. A Special Permanent Placard (gold placard) is issued only to an individual with a
disability who (1) drives a motor vehicle equipped with hand controls for the operation of brakes and accelerator or (2) is disabled due to loss, or loss of use, of
both upper extremities.
Renewal Request: Complete Sections A, B and F. Note: Notarization is not required.
Replacement Request: Indicate if applying for a replacement placard. Please check reason for replacement (Lost or Stolen). List your previous placard
and complete Sections A, B and F.
Institution/Business Information: Complete Sections A, B, E and F. Follow these additional special instructions:
• Institutions, as defined by Georgia Code §31-7-1, must attach a copy of the institutional license. Note: To qualify for a permit, the institution must operate
the vehicle primarily to transport individuals with disabilities.
• Businesses, to qualify for a special plate, must meet the requirements of Georgia Code §40-2-74, including limits on the type of business organization.
Note: The business vehicle must be used only or primarily by the disabled employee for whom the plate was issued.
Please Note:
• A placard is to be used only when the vehicle in which it is displayed is parked and is being used for the transportation of the person with disability or the
disabled veteran.
• Any vehicle lawfully displaying a placard will qualify for parking in areas designated for use by persons with disability only.
• The placard will not allow vehicles to park where parking is prohibited.
• The placard is required to be displayed when the vehicle is parked in areas designated for use by persons with disability only and must not be displayed
the vehicle is being operated on the highway.
• Each eligible individual will be issued only one placard.
1. Applicant is so ambulatory disabled that he/she cannot walk 200 feet
stopping to rest.
2. Applicant cannot walk without the use of assistance from a brace, a cane, a
crutch, another person, a prosthetic device, a wheelchair, or other assistive
3. Applicant is restricted by lung disease to such an extent that his/her forced
respiratory volume for one second, when measured by spironmetry is less
one liter, or when at rest his/her arterial oxygen tension is less than 60
millimeters of mercury on room air.
4. Applicant uses portable oxygen.
5. Applicant has a cardiac condition to the extent that his/her functional
limitations are classified in severity as Class III or Class IV according to
standards set by the American Heart Association.
6. Applicant is severely limited in his/her ability to walk due to an arthritic,
neurological, orthopedic condition or complications due to pregnancy.
7. Applicant is hearing impaired person pursuant to Georgia Code §24-6-651.
8. Applicant is a blind individual whose central visual acuity does not exceed
20/200 in the better eye with correcting lenses or whose visual acuity, if
better than 20/200, is accompanied by a limit to the field of vision in the
better eye to such a degree that its widest diameter subtends an angle of
no greater than 20 degrees.
A passenger vehicle or truck with a registered gross weight of not more than 10,000 lbs. This restriction does not apply to institution or business applications.
“For purposes of this Code section (40-2-74.1) the department shall accept, in
lieu of an affidavit, a signed and dated statement from the doctor which
the same information as required in an affidavit written upon security
paper as
defined in paragraph (38.5) of Code Section 26-4-5."
Please Note: Certification in lieu of an affidavit (completion and notarization of
Section D) can only be submitted for placards and cannot be provided on
license plate applications.
Who may provide certification: Health care providers that are permitted to
provide a certification are limited to medical practitioners licensed to practice
under Article 2 of Chapter 34 of Title 43 (physicians); Chapter 35 of Title 43
(podiatrists); and Chapter 9 of Title 43 (chiropractors) of the Georgia Code.
After reviewing the MV-9D form instructions, this fully completed form must be submitted to your local County tag office. Please refer to our
website at https://dor.georgia.gov to locate the address(es) for your specific county.
Secured paper document (as defined by GA Code 26-4-5) from
healthcare provider must include:
• Specific disability as indicated on MV-9D instructions form.
• Indication of permanent or temporary disability
• Stamp or signature of healthcare provider