Georgetown University Student Employment
Office 2022-2023 Hoya Hiring Form (HHF)
Select Main Campus departments MUST submit a completed form to the Student Employment Office via email at
GMSstudentsupport@georgetown.edu. University Services, Law Center, and Medical Center should follow their own procedures.
Fields in the sections with * are required. Please save the form in the following format:
Last Name, First Name, HHF, First Four Digits of Student Supervisory Organization (ex. Hoya, Jane, HHF, 1234.pdf)
*Student's Identification Information:
Last: First: MI:
Date of Birth:
3) Has the student previously been employed by Georgetown University?
4) Does the student have other jobs on campus at this time?
If yes, enter other Department Name(s),
Manager Name(s), and Phone/Email:
5) Is this student leaving a GU position in another dept. to work for your dept.?
6) Is this student also receiving a graduate stipend?
New Hire* (never worked on campus)
Add Additional Job (adding an additional job in GMS)
Rehire* (rehiring into GMS after termination)
Transfer (transfer from one job to another)
Effective Date of Action:
New Hire
, you
New Hire Calendar
to determine start date. Please note the I-9 MUST be completed within 3 days
of hire to avoid termination. Any I-9 questions should be directed to the I-9 Office.
*Hiring Department Information
Supervisory Org. Name and Number:
Manager: (as listed in GMS):
Yes No
Yes No
*Important Student Hire Status Questions:
1) Student’s Enrollment Status:
Undergraduate Graduate Medical Law
2) Does the student have a Federal Work Study Award? Yes
If yes, enter total award amount: Fall Term: $ Spring Term: $ Summer Term: $
If YES, does the student want this position to be the primary, so FWS reimbursement funds are allocated quarterly?
Clear Form
(Mac users, use "File>Print>Save as PDF" to save file)
If yes, you must send an email notifying the Graduate School
, as stipend students need authorization to
work an hourly position.
If the student is receiving a non-service stipend the student cannot be hired into a second position on campus
*GMS Action: **Must check one box**
7) Is this an in-person/front facing job, or is it remote?
In-Person/Front Facing Job
Remote Job