Nonresidential sites. Sites to be reserved or dedicated
for parks, recreation areas, schools or other public
uses; sites, if any for multi-family dwellings, shopping
centers, churches, industry or other non-public uses
exclusive of single-family dwellings.
Utilities. The location, size and invert elevation of
sanitary and storm sewers; the location an size of
water mains; the location of gas lines, fire hydrants,
approximate locations of utility poles and streetlights;
if water mains are not on or adjacent to the tract, the
direction and distance to, and the size of, the nearest
ones, showing invert elevation of sewers; the location
of proposed utilities, if not shown elsewhere.
Easements. The location, width and purpose of
existing and proposed easements.
Building setback lines for zero lot line. Minimum
building setback lines.
Minimum front yard setback:
The same as required for each zoning district except
where the development contains units located on
both sides of a street constructed by developer to the
city’s specifications. In this case, the minimum
front yard setback shall be ten (10) feet.
Minimum side yard setback:
Zero lot line developments there shall be no
minimum side yard required on one side and
fourteen (14) feet on the opposite side. However, for
corner lots the minimum side yard requirements
established by the district regulations.
Minimum rear yard setback: See Section III. Yards
required for zero lot line houses. Shall comply with
the yard requirements established by the district
Maximum height: The maximum height measured
from the foundation to the lower floor of the lower
floor of the uppermost habitable level shall not exceed
twenty (20) feet in R-1, R-2 and R-O districts. In all
other zoning districts the maximum height is
established in Section III, District Regulations.
Maximum lot coverage. A zero lot line dwelling
including accessory structures shall not occupy more
than seventy (75) percent of the lot area.
Adjoining land. The approximate direction and
gradient of the ground slope, including any levees or
embankments; the character and location of buildings,
railroads, power lines, towers and other nearby
residential land uses or adverse influences; and names
of recorded subdivision plats of adjoining platted land
by record name, date and number and the names of
record owners of adjoining unsubdivided land.
Other existing conditions. The locations of
watercourses, marshes, wooded areas, insolated
preservable trees one (1) foot or more in
diameter, buildings or structures and other
significant features on the tract.
Proposed public improvements. Highway or
other major public improvements planned by
public authorities for future construction on or
near the tract.
Flood zone designations. The location of all
flood zone designations as shown on the latest
Flood Insurance Rate Map.
Street names. Street names must be provided on
the General Plan and shall be coordinated with
the City’s E-911 representative. Street names
shall conform to E-911 policies.
Parking spaces. Minimum off-street parking
spaces shall be as required in section IV, except
where a zero lot line is less than eighteen (18)
feet in width the required parking spaces may be
designed so as to allow vehicles to be parked in a
vertical line and each space shall be at least eight
(8) feet wide and eighteen (18) feet long.
Zero lot line dwellings shall be constructed
against the lot line on one side of a lot and no
windows, doors or other openings shall be
permitted on this side. Where adjacent zero lot
line dwellings are not constructed against a
common lot line, the building for a perpetual
wall maintenance easement of five (5) in width
along the adjacent lot and parallel with such
Modifications Requested: Identify any variations from
the subdivision regulations and state what is preventing
you from meeting the standards or requirements of the
F. Attendant items: The general subdivision plan shall
be accompanied by the following items:
Protective covenants. A draft of the protective
covenants whereby the subdivider proposed to
regulate land use in the subdivision and
otherwise protect the proposed development.
Engineering plans. Profiles showing existing
ground surface and proposed street grades,
including extensions for a reasonable distance
beyond the limits of the proposed subdivision;
typical cross sections of the proposed grading,
roadway and sidewalk; and preliminary plan of
sanitary and storm water sewers with grades and
sizes indicated. All elevations shall be based on
a datum plan that is mean gulf level.
(See Page 5)