Pork Producers Confinement Operation Questionnaire
Property Information
(Complete this section for each confinement building used by the insured)
1. Who design
ed and built the facility? __________________________________________
2. A. Age of the Building ____
B. Age of Roof _______
C. Age of Electrical, HVAC & Plumbing _______
3. Is a
written housekeeping program in place for this building? Yes No
4. Is there a scheduled maintenance plan in place for this building? Yes No
5. What type of fire protection is available? ______________________________________
6. Lightning pr
otection? Yes No
7. Smoking restricted in and around the building? Yes No
8. Wiring in conduit? Yes No
9. Roofing material? ______________ If Metal, what gauge? _________
Wind uplift rating? ______________
10. Securit
y system? (Alarms and how they operate
Alarms? Yes N
o If Yes, how do they operate? _____________________
B. Does the manager reside on the premises? Yes No
C. Is the property fenced? Yes No
11. Is this building connected to any other buildings? Yes No If Yes, are there
fire doors? Yes No, and are they kept closed at all times? Yes No
12. Does this building have an automatic drop curtain system in the event of an
interruption of power? Yes No
13. Is there auxiliary power generating equipment sufficient to operate the equipment that
controls the movement of air, temperature, and atmosphere within the building?
Yes No If Yes, describe _____________________________________________
14. Is the auxiliary power in good working condition? Yes No
15. Is there an alarm system that signals interruption of power to the building? Yes No
If Yes, does that alarm system have a rollover telephone number feature in the event the
primary contact does not respond? Yes No If Yes, how many numbers is the
system programmed to rollover to? __________
16. Does the auxiliary power generating equipment function automatically upon the
interruption of power supplied by the normal source of power? Yes No
17. Is the auxiliary power generating equipment tested at least once per month and is a log
kept of the date tested and the person who tested it? Yes No
Edition 07-2018
Hog Confinement Operation Questionnaire