James Cook University (JCU)
ABN 46 253 211 955
(A body corporate pursuant to the James Cook University Act 1997, whose office is situated at JCU, Townsville Campus,
Townsville 4811, in the state of Queensland)
The purpose of this document is to outline the responsibilities of both JCU and your Organisation in relation to the Placement of
Students in your Premises during the practical and/or clinical component of their studies at JCU.
[Note: A reference to Student means
one or more students, depending on the context]
Reference Schedule – Schedule 1
Liaison Officers (Cl.1.1)
James Cook University
Name: Helen Coxhead
Position: GDip Midwifery Course Coordinator
Postal: Nursing & Midwifery, J
ames Cook University,
Townsville, Q. 4811
Telephone: (07) 4781 5310
Email: helen.coxhead@jcu.edu.au
erational Aspects – Schedule 2
The area of practice in which the Student is to be
placed. (Cl. 6.1 (a))
The learning objectives of the Placement. (Cl.
6.1 (b))
The learning activities and learning outcomes will be
defined by JCU, the Clinical Supervisors and the Student
before each clinical placement. The Student will nominate a
suitable Clinical Supervisor to supervise, develop learning
activities and assess clinical encounters.
The learning assessment tools (Cl. 6.1 (c))
The Student is required to complete the clinical
requirements of the course identified by James Cook
University in the Clinical Competency Workbook. These
clinical requirements are set down by ANMAC in the
‘Standards and Criteria for the Accreditation of Nursing and
Midwifery Courses Leading to Registration, Endorsement
and Authorisation in Australia’ (2014).
The learning, clinical or skill entry point to be
achieved by the Student prior to the Placement.
The student must hold unconditional registration as a nurse
with the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia
Where “Competency Assessment Service” are
used by JCU, details of those. (Cl. 6.1 (e))
Dates and Times of Student attendance. (Cl. 6.1
As per ward roster and continuity of care requirements
Student(s) Name and Email. (Cl. 6.1(g))
gned by the parties on the date set out below.
SIGNED for an on behalf of (the Host)
by an authorised officer
SIGNED for and on behalf of (JCU)
by an authorised officer