Revolving Loan Program for Historic Properties
Purpose: Provide low-interest loans to encourage the preservation and rehabilitation of historic
properties in Wichita.
The property to be rehabilitated shall be designated and listed on the National, State
or Local Register as a landmark in Wichita; a contributing element in a designated and listed
historic district on the National, State or Local Register in Wichita; listed in the Undesignated
Historic Resource List as adopted by City Council, September 15, 1998; or be eligible for
possible listing as an individually designated or contributing element in an historic district on the
National, State or Local Register as a landmark in Wichita. Property must be within the portion
of the Neighborhood Revitalization Area located within the 1919 Wichita City limits.
Any qualifying property must additionally (a) be within an area designated as “slum and
blighted,” or (b) pose a situation of “spot blight.”
Four percentage points below the Prime Rate lending rate at the date of loan closing.
Twenty (20) year term for maximum amount. At the time of making financial application, the
applicant will pay a fee of $125 for costs of obtaining a credit report and title certificate.
Properties not officially designated by city ordinance as a Wichita Landmark or a
contributing element within a Wichita Landmark District or listed in the Kansas or National
Register of Historic Places will have a covenant placed on the property for the life of the loan.
Maximum Loan Amount—$25,000/$5,000:
Properties designated by ordinance can borrow up to $25,000. Properties that are potentially
eligible for listing can borrow up to $5,000. Certification of the historic status is the
responsibility of the Preservation Planner. A property owner may reapply for additional funds
under the Revolving Loan Program if the owner has not received the maximum amount.
Owners of designated properties may submit a request in excess of the maximum amount. A
2/3 majority vote by the Historic Preservation Board (HPB) is required for approval. If approved
by the HPB, the request is submitted to the City Council, which has final authority of approval.
Loan applications are to be submitted to the Historic Preservation Planner. The
application shall include a financial statement, third party income verification, description of the
work to be done, at least one signed estimate from a licensed contractor for the proposed work,
and an application fee of $125.00, to be applied towards closing costs (credit report and title
search). In the event the loan is not closed, any unexpended applications fees will be returned
to the applicant.
All construction proposed to be accomplished with these funds must be approved by the
Historic Preservation Board (HPB) and receive a Certificate of Appropriateness.
For any properties other than single-family residences, rehabilitation owners and contractors
must comply with Federal Labor Standards.
Eligible work items include the following and should be listed on the loan application in the
order of priority for the preservation of the structure:
1. Work necessary to bring structure up to life-safety code standards.