The appeal process is primarily intended to allow cadets who have truly extenuating circumstances to
be granted a one-time exception to meeting the academic standards, complying with academic
regulations, or exceeding the maximum permitted course load during the regular academic year. In
reviewing appeals, the CAA carefully considers the overall context, not just circumstances and
performance proximate to the time the appeal was submitted. In other words, it is not just the
current set of circumstances but also the longitudinal record of the cadet that is considered in
weighing the advisability of granting an appeal.
General Guidelines (applicable to all appeals):
Each cadet may submit one appeal over his or her cadetship. Additional appeals will not
be considered by the CAA without the approval of the Dean.
The Dean or the Chair of the CAA, in consultation with the Registrar or the Department
Head of the cadet’s major, may deny an appeal that is judged to be frivolous without
forwarding it to the full committee for review and voting.
Appeals will not be reviewed by the CAA between June 1
and July 31
All appeals must include a recommendation letter from the cadet’s academic advisor or
the department head of the cadet’s major in order to be considered by the CAA.
Suspension and Probation Appeals:
Appeals to waive academic probation will not be considered unless they result from
academic work not completed for medical reasons.
Completed applications for appeals to waive an academic suspension for a new semester
must be received by the registrar at least seven business days before the start of classes.
This means that all transfer credit must be available to the registrar prior to this deadline
to determine a returning cadet’s status.
Overload Appeals:
Completed applications for course overloads must be received by the registrar at least seven
business days before the start of classes for fall or spring semester.
TO: Committee on Academic Appeals
Cadet Name:_______________________________ VMI ID# _______________ Class_________
Major__________ Current Address:_________________________________________________
Email Address:____________________________
Academic policy for which waiver is sought:______________________________________________
I request that the Committee on Academic Appeals consider my appeal for a waiver of the above
academic policy based on the following extenuating circumstances (attach document if necessary):
NOTE: This appeal must be submitted through a cadet’s department head.
Cadets are requested to review their waiver with their department head. Department heads will be requested to provide
input to the Committee as appropriate regarding the waiver.
Additional Supporting Documentation: (Required if outside factors relate to petition request.)
The following additional documentation is being forwarded: ___________________________________________
Cadet Signature:______________________________________ Date:_______________________
The Committee will not consider appeals that are incomplete or lack all required supporting documentation.
NOTE: Cadets are reminded that only one appeal is permitted over the entirety of their cadetship.
Completed appeals and supporting documentation should be forwarded to:
COL Janet Battaglia, Registrar
303 Shell Hall
Lexington, Virginia 24450