26524 John R Road ∙ Madison Heights, MI 48071 ∙ (248) 399-7800 ∙ Fax (248) 399-2229
Enrollment Check List
__ Child’s Birth Certificate
__ Child’s Shot Record
__ Child’s Health Insurance Card
__ Parent/Guardian I.D. Card
__ Proof of Residency (i.e. I.D. Card, Utility Bill, Lease Agreement, etc…)
__ Proof of Income (i.e. Tax Return, Check Pay Stub, Proof of State Aid)
__ Child’s Physical
__ Child’s TB Test
__ CACFP Participant Enrollment Form
__ Application for Free and Reduced Price School Meals
Application for Great Start Readiness Program
STUDENT ID#: ____________________
Ethnic Codes: 1 = Native American 2a = Asian or 2b = Pacific Islander 3 = Black, Not Hispanic 4a = Hispanic White or 4b = Hispanic Black 5 = White, Not Hispanic
Great Start Readiness Program DATE: _________________________
SCHOOL/CENTER: ___________________________________________________________________________________
CHILD’S NAME: ______________________________________________ BIRTHDATE: ____________ SEX: F ( ) M ( )
CHILD’S ADDRESS: ________________________________________ ZIP: ________ HOME TELEPHONE: ______________
BIRTH CERTIFICATE#: _________________________________________ BIRTHPLACE: ____________________________
Special Needs/Disabling Condition: ____________________________________________ Diagnosed: YES ( ) NO ( )
If Special Needs has been diagnosed by an Agency/Physician, complete Release of Information Form.
Parent/Guardian Name: _______________________________________ Relationship to Child: _____________________
Mother’s Age at 1
Pregnancy: ______ Marital Status: Single ______ Married ______ Separated ______
Total # in Family: ______ Ethnic Group: ______
Are You Employed? YES ( ) NO ( ) Are You in School or Training? YES ( ) NO ( )
IF Yes, Part-Time ( ) Full-Time ( ) Seasonal ( ) IF Yes, Part-Time ( ) Full-Time ( )
Is Your Spouse Employed? YES ( ) NO ( ) NA ( ) Is Your Spouse in School or Training? YES ( ) NO ( )
IF Yes, Part-Time ( ) Full-Time ( ) IF Yes, Part-Time ( ) Full-Time ( )
Are You Enrolled in Work First? YES ( ) NO ( ) NA ( )
Source(s) of Income: 1
____________________________________ 2
W, BM, M, 2XM
(Weekley, Bi-Weekley, Monthly, Twice Per Month)
W, BM, M, 2XM
(Weekley, Bi-Weekley, Monthly, Twice Per Month)
Do you receive: WIC ( ) Focus: HOPE ( ) NA ( ) Is Child: Anemic ( ) Lead Poisoned ( ) NA ( )
Do you receive: Food Stamps ( ) Medicaid ( ) SSI ( ) Child Care Assistance ( ) NA ( )
Do you need full year: YES ( ) NO ( ) and/or full day child-care? YES ( ) NO ( )
IF NOT PARENT, PROOF OF GUARDIANSHIP CASE#: (m) ________________________________________________
Foster Parent(s) / Stepparent(s)
Or Guardian(s) / Relationship
Number of Other Dependent
Children In Your Household
Type of MEDICAID Insurance: _______________________________________ Case#: ________________ Child’s Recipient ID#: ________________
OTHER Medical Insurance: (Type): ______________________________________________________________ Claim Number: _________________
The above information is true and correct to the best of my knowledge. I understand that if any of this information changes, or is found to be incorrect, I am obligated to immediately notify
this program. I understand that the above information and all information contained in the child’s foster will remain CONFIDENTIAL. I hereby make application for my child and myself to be
enrolled in a Detroit Public School Preschool Program based on all the information in the Child’s Registration Form.
__________________________________________ ________ __________________________________________ ________
Signature of Parent / Guardian Date Signature of Staff Verifying and Auditing Form Date
Child Risk Factor
1. Extremely Low
2. Low family income
3. Diagnosed disability or identified development delay
4. Severe or challenging behavior
5. Primary home language other than English
6. Parent/guardian with low educational attainment
7. Abuse/neglect of child or parent
8. Environmental Risk
Risk Factors Accrued: ____________________________________
Is child Head Start income eligible: Yes _____ No _____
Date enrolled:
Parent / Guardian Name
Wages / Salary
W, BW, M, 2XM
Amount of
Amount of Monthly
SSI / Social Security
Foster Care/Other
Date & Type of
Annual Total
* Date enrolled is the first actual day of attendance.
State of Michigan Department of Human Services - Bureau of Children and Adult Licensing
Instructions: Unless otherwise indicated, all requested information must be provided. If the information is not known or does not apply,
“unknown” or “none” is the required response. A blank eld, a line through a eld or “N/A” are not acceptable responses.
For Provider
Use Only:
Date of Admission Date of Discharge
Name of Child (Last, First, Middle Initial) Child’s Date of Birth
Address (Number and Street, Building/Apartment Number) City State Zip Code
Father/Legal Guardian’s Name Home Phone
( )
Mother/Legal Guardian’s Name Home Phone
( )
Home Address (if not child’s address) Cell Phone
( )
Home Address (if not child’s address) Cell Phone
( )
City State Zip Code City State Zip Code
Email Address (optional) Email Address (optional)
Employer Name Work Phone
( )
Employer Name Work Phone
( )
Name of Child’s Physician or Health Clinic Physician’s or Health Clinic’s Phone Number
( )
Hospital Preferred for Emergency Treatment (optional)
Allergies, Special Needs and Special Instructions (Attach additional sheets, if necessary.)
BCAL-3731 (Rev. 7-12) Previous editions 9-09, 3-08, 10-07, & 1-06 may be used until 12/31/13. See Reverse Side
Emergency Contact & Release of Child: List all individuals,including parents/legal guardians, in order of preference, to be contacted in an
emergency. If possible, include at least one person other than the parents/legal guardians to be contacted in an emergency and to whom the child
can be released. The second phone number column can be left blank. (If more individuals, attach additional sheets.)
1. ( ) ( )
2. ( ) ( )
3. ( ) ( )
Release of Child Only: List all individuals, other than the parents/legal guardians, to whom the child may be released. (If more individuals, attach additional sheets.)
1. ( ) 2. ( )
3. ( ) 4. ( )
I give permission to , licensed by the Department of Human Services
(Provider’s Name)
to secure emergency medical and/or emergency surgical treatment for the above named minor child while in care.
Signature of Parent or Guardian
Date Signed
Date Card
Parent or Legal
Guardian Initials
Date Card
Parent or Legal
Guardian Initials
Date Card
Parent or Legal
Guardian Initials
Date Card
Parent or Legal
Guardian Initials
Department of Human Services (DHS) will not discriminate against any individual or group because of race,
religion, age, national origin, color, height, weight, marital status, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity or
expression, political beliefs or disability. If you need help with reading, writing, hearing, etc., under the Americans
with Disabilities Act, you are invited to make your needs known to a DHS of ce in your area.
AUTHORITY: 1973 PA 116
PENALTY: Rule Violation Citation.
BCAL-3731 (Rev. 7-12) Previous editions 9-09,3-08, 10-07, & 1-06 may be used until 12/31/13.
Dear Parents/Guardian,
Your child will receive a breakfast or snack each day in the Great Start Program. The district participates in the United
States Department of Agriculture Child and Adult Care Food Program. Meal and snacks served must meet the
Department requirements. Food substitutions may be made only when supported by a physician’s statement indicating
an allergy or other medical reason for the substitution. Please ask your physician to complete and sign this form if child
requires a substitution and must avoid certain foods. Return the form to Valerie Martin before school begins in
September. If you have any questions please call Valerie Martin at (248) 399-7800, ext 3404.
1. Medical/special dietary restrictions (check or describe)
______ Food Allergy (explain) ___________________________________________________________________
______ Lactose Intolerance
______ Iron Intolerance ______ Obesity
______ Other (describe) _______________________________________________________________________
2. Foods to be omitted
______ Iron Fortified Infant Cereal ______ Wheat Products
______ Milk ______ Other (list) ______________________________
3. Foods to be substituted
______ Low Iron Infant Formula ______ Vita-mite
______ Rice Products ______ Other (list) ______________________________
4. Description of handicapping condition that may restrict child’s diet:
____________________________________________________ _______________
Physician’s Signature Date
Part 1: Contract Provisions Provided by Childcare Facility
Note: This contract is required of all licensed child care centers as provided by R 400.5105b of the Michigan
Administrative Code.
As of _______________, the ____________________________________________________ Prekindergarten
(Date) (School)
Program agrees to provide childcare services for __________________________________________________.
(Child’s Name)
The ________________________________ Prekindergarten Program as a licensed childcare facility will
provide the following provisions of the Michigan Administrative Code as required by R 400.5105b:
R 400.5102 Licensee.
Rule 102
(2) A license shall have the following administrative responsibilities regarding staff:
(c) Develop and implement a written screening policy for all staff and volunteers, including parents,
who have contact with children.
R 400.5106 Program.
Rule 106
(1) A developmentally appropriate program shall be implemented that includes all of the following ideas:
(a) Physical Development
(b) Social Development
(c) Emotional Development
(d) Intellectual Development
(2) The following types of activities shall be provided daily:
(a) Quiet and active
(b) Individual, small groups and large groups
(c) Large and small muscle
(d) Child initiated and staff initiated
(e) Developmentally appropriate language and literacy experiences throughout the day accumulating
for not less than 30 minutes
(f) Early math and science experiences
Part 2: Additional Contract Provisions
(3) Daily activities shall be planned so that each child may do the following:
(a) Have opportunities to feel successful and feel good about himself or herself and develop
(b) Use materials and take part in activities which encourage creativity
(c) Learn new ideas and skills
(d) Participate in imaginative play
(6) The program shall provide daily outdoor play unless prevented by inclement weather.
(7) The program shall provide a naptime and quiet time
(11) The program shall permit parents to visit for the purpose of observing their children during the day.
I will work with my child’s teacher and other staff to ensure that my child’s Health Appraisal, Immunizations
and other health requirements are kept updated throughout the school year.
If my child is sick or has a contagious disease, I will take my child to the doctor and/or keep my child home
until he/she is able to return to school, or I will bring a doctor’s statement verifying that my child is able to
return to school.
I understand that the staff may contact me if there are any health problems or if any additional health
information is needed.
I will also keep my phone number(s), and address current.
I have read, understand and received a copy of the Attendance Policy.
I have read, understand and received a copy of the Late Pick Up Policy.
Upon signing this agreement, the parent, legal guardian or responsible adult and the child care staff agree
to abide by all the provisions contained in this contract.
Staff Signature: _________________________________________________________
Staff Position / Title: _____________________________________________________
Parent / Legal Guardian Signature: _________________________________________
Relationship to Child: ____________________________________________________
Volunteers to our schools are vital to our success in providing the highest quality educational services to your children.
Without volunteers, many of the school, classroom, and extracurricular activities could not take place. We thank all of
those individuals who offer to help in school activities and events.
For the safety of our students a volunteer form must be filled out each year.
Please complete the information below. A background check through the Michigan State Police will be performed.
Once the report is received by the district, your name will be made available to your school to begin volunteering if you
choose to do so. We do ask volunteers to report to the school office to sign in and pick up a volunteer badge. Please
return the badge to office when you sign out.
If you have any questions, please call Sharon Kline in the Madison Board Office at (248) 399-7800. Thank you for helping
us keep your children safe at school.
Please print (one form per family)
1. Volunteer Name: __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________
Volunteer Signature: ______________________________________________________
2. Volunteer Name: __________________________________________________ Date of Birth: ______________
Volunteer Signature: ______________________________________________________
Child’s Full Name: ________________________________________________________
School: _________________________________________________________________
Preschool: ______________________________________________________________
Your signature indicates your consent to a Michigan State Police background check.
Please indicate if you have had any training in the following:
CPR ______ First Aid ______ Universal Precautions ______
Office use only
District signature approving volunteer _______________________________________________ Date: ______________
Directions: Check any of the following conditions that you as teacher have observed that may warrant referral,
additional screening or treatment. This form needs to be completed during the enrollment process. Send original to
the instructional specialist and keep the copy in the child’s folder.
Child’s Name: _________________________________________________________________ Birthdate: ____________
School: __________________________________________________________________________ Date: ____________
Assessor: __________________________________________________________________________________________
______ shows symptoms of eye fatigue or stress as indicated:
______ { } blinking; { } squinting; { } itching; { } tearing
______ shows symptoms of eye infection as indicated by:
______ { } redness; { } discharge; { } holds materials far from eyes
______ { } closes one eye or squints; { } stranismus (lazy eye)
______ has difficulty hearing over background noise
______ turns head to one side frequently
______ misunderstands instructions
______ often asks for instructions to be repeated
______ is difficult to understand
______ voice quality is: { } too loud; { } too weak;
______ uses ______ number of words in a sentence
______ lacks confidence
______ is careless
______ needs encouragement in order to perform
______ lacks independent toileting skills
______ cries or angers easily
______ is easily frustrated
______ requires much praise
______ needs encouragement and attention
______ has difficulty cooperating
______ acts without thinking
______ avoids difficult tasks
______ has short attention span
______ shows symptoms of nervousness indicated by:
______ { } hits; { } kicks or pushes others; { } yells at others or
______ uses name calling
______ performs significantly below age in large muscle skills
______ development (like walking up and down stairs; riding a bike)
______ performs significantly below age in small muscle skills
______ development (using crayons, scissors or forks/spoons)
______ appears to lack good physical health and stamina-tires easily
List any significant observations that suggest a need for medical care,
such as rashes, obesity, fragility and clumsiness:
Referral made: { } Yes { } No
Reason for referral:
Results: __________________________________________________
Undercare: _______________________________________________
School: ___________________________________ Teacher: __________________ Room#: _________ Date: _________
Parent/Guardian: ____________________________________ Telephone: _________________ GSRP: _____ HS: _____
Suggested Topics: Number in the order of wants (1-first, 2-second, etc.)
Child Growth and Development
______ Self-Esteem & Your Child’s Success
______ Helping Children Develop Good Language & Thinking Skills
______ Activities to Do at Home/The Value of Play
______ Effective Discipline/Encouragement
Health and Safety Information
______ Asthma
______ Dental Health (Adult & Pediatrics)
______ Communicable Diseases & Immunizations
______ Family Planning/Teenage Pregnancy/Birth Control
______ STDs (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
______ Cancer/Self Breast/Testicular Exam
______ Fire Safety/Home Safety
______ Lead Poisoning/Poisons
______ Car Seat Safety
______ Indoor/Outdoor Safety/First Aid Tips
Nutrition Information
______ Diet/Exercise/Weight Control/Child Obesity
______ Healthy Snacks
______ Menu Planning/Cutting Food Costs
______ Basic Cooking & Related Skills
Disability Information
______ Working with Disabled Children (mildly & severely)
______ Rights & Responsibilities of the Handicapped
______ Mainstreaming Handicapped Children
______ Networking with Resources for Disabilities
______ ADHD (Attention Disorders and Hyperactivity Deficit)
Coping Skills/Personal Enhancement
______ Stress/Time Management
______ Basic Parenting
______ Male & Female Relationships Issues
Other Topics:
Family Services Community Resources
______ Abuse (Child, Aged Parent, etc.)
______ Substance Abuse (Drug/Alcohol)
______ Welfare Rights & Public Assistance Programs
______ Personal Safety/Crime in the City
______ Domestic Violence
______ Landlord/Tenant Rights
______ Grandparent Support In Parenting
______ Foster Parenting (Rights/Responsibilities)
Consumer Education
______ Utilities (Energy Saving Ideas)
______ Budgeting/Household Management, etc.
______ Financial Literacy
______ Environmental Justice & Advocacy
Career Development/Personal Enhancement
______ GED, High School, Vocational Educational Information
______ College/Technical Training Information
______ Computer Literacy
______ Effective Resume Writing
Parent’s Rights and Responsibilities
______ Role as Parents as Volunteers in the Classroom
______ Program Decision Making Opportunities for Parents
______ Leadership Training
______ Transitioning Into the LSCO/PTA
______ The Role of Fathers in Prekindergarten & Kindergarten
Please list any talents and/or areas of expertise that you are willing to
share in the classroom/parent meeting:
In order to ensure the safety and well being of all its students, The Madison District Public
Schools, in accordance with the Michigan Health Department; requires that all
prekindergarten students have a health appraisal on file.
This form is due within 30 days of the first day of a child’s attendance in the Great Start
Readiness Program. The health appraisal is good for one year, but must not expire before the
end of the school year. It must be signed and dated by the attending nurse or physician.
If the deadline is not observed, your child will be placed on the waiting list. When the health
appraisal has been submitted, he/she will be moved to the top of the waiting list, until the
next slot for enrollment is available.
I have read and understand the Health Appraisal Policy:
Name ________________________________________________________________________
Parent/Guardian of _____________________________________________________________
Signature __________________________________________________
School ____________________________________________________
Teacher ___________________________________________________