GSA Travel Award Application Packet
Rules and Regulations
Application Process
Award Selection Criteria
GSA Application Form
Faculty Recommendation Form
Travel Authorization / Reimbursement Request Form
After your trip, complete the Online Pre-Application process that can be found on the GSO
website ( If you don't hear back
from us within 7 business days during the academic year, it means that you aren't missing
any important document and you should submit the original documents in a sealed envelope
labeled "GSA Travel Award" to the Graduate Studies Office ( DROP BOX labeled GSA
TRAVEL AWARDS - by the front desk).
Disclaimers: (1)The final decision will be made after the student has submitted the
travel reimbursement form with the original receipts for each item listed in the travel
authorization form. (2) Awards require a sufficient balance in GSA's Travel Awards
Rules and Regulations
1. Hereafter the term conference shall refer to any academic-related conference, seminar,
lecture, or workshop.
2. Special Achievement Awards will be granted only to graduate students making an
oral presentation at off-campus conferences.
3. General Achievement Awards will be granted only to graduate students making just a
poster presentation without a lengthy oral presentation to a wide audience at off-campus
4. Travel Award funds will only cover conference registration and preparation materials for local
conferences within the Newark/New York City metropolitan area. For conferences
outside the Newark/NYC metropolitan area, funds may also be used for travel, lodging
and meal expenses.
5. Special Achievement Awards have a maximum amount of $800.
6. General Achievement Awards have a maximum amount of $500.
7. All funds shall be granted on a reimbursement basis only after conference travel.
Reimbursements are made on the basis of actual expenses and not on the basis of estimated
8. All original receipts must be submitted for reimbursement.
9. The student must submit proof of attending the conference, including a copy of the registration
invoice, Conference Session schedule with the student's name and the title of the paper/
presentation explicitly shown, conference badge with the student's name, and any other
relevant document deemed relevant.
10. If an applicant received another travel award in the current fiscal year (July - June), it
must be specified in the application form (page 5).
11. An applicant may receive at most two awards (including Special Achievement Award and
General Achievement Award) per fiscal year (July - June).
12. All award decisions will be final.
Application Process
First submit the Travel Award documents online after your conference travel using the
don't hear back from us within 7 business days during the academic year, submit the
complete Travel Packet to the Graduate Studies Office (GSO) dropbox by the front
desk with the original receipts.
1. The applicant must submit the conference details, abstract, paper/presentation acceptance
letter, recommendation letter from advisor along with the complete Travel Authorization/
Reimbursement Request Form signed by the Chair of the department and the research advisor.
2. The completely filled out application form (attached page 5).
3. The Faculty Recommendation Form completed and signed by the research advisor (attached
page 6).
4. A completely filled out Travel Authorization/Reimbursement Request Form (attached page
5. A copy of the conference details along with the link to the conference website and a copy of
the applicant's paper that was presented at the conference.
6. If an award for the same travel was received from another NJIT or non-NJIT department then
submit a copy of that award specifying the amount received.
7. Proof that the applicant attended the conference, including a copy of the registration invoice,
the Conference Session schedule with the student's name and the title of the paper/
presentation and Conference badge with the student's name showing your presentation or any
other proof of conference attendance.
8. All original receipts for each item listed in the Travel Authorization Form must clearly show
proof of payment (which may include e-ticket/ boarding pass, hotel expenses, food expenses,
and conference registration fee). CAR RENTAL IS NOT ALLOWED. Also, hotel
accommodation costs must be reasonable (comparable to the average hotel costs in the
area). Please, circle or highlight the amount spent (this amount should match the figures in
your request form). Original receipts must be taped down to a plain piece of paper.
Please make sure that you keep a copy of all the documents you submit to
GSO's dropbox, including copies of all receipts. We will not take any responsibility if any of
the documents are lost before actual reimbursement.
Criteria for Evaluating Academic Achievement
1. The level, prestige, and scope of the conference (International, National, ACS, IEEE,
AMIA, etc.) which the applicant has attended
2. The quality and type (oral/poster) of the publications and presentations
3. Research advisor's Recommendation letter
GSA Travel Award Application Form
Please Select: Summer Fall Spring
Year ____________
Application Date ______________________ Student ID _______________________________
First Name ___________________Last Name ____________________Middle Initial ________
Mailing Address _______________________________________________________________
City ______________________________ State _____________ Zip Code _________________
Day Phone ____________________________Evening Phone ___________________________
Preferred E-mail ID __________________________Your Department ____________________
Advisor’s Name _______________________________Advisor’s Phone___________________
Your Primary Research Area _____________________________________________________
Your Secondary Research Area ___________________________________________________
Have you won any GSA Travel Award in this Academic Year (Sep - Aug)? ________________
If yes, which one? Special Achievement Award General Achievement Award
Have you been funded for this particular travel through any other department? ______________
If yes, Department name _________________________________Amount Received_________
Conference Information
Name of Conference ____________________________________________________________
Location ______________________________________________________________________
Date(s) (Month Date(s), Year______________________________________________________
Conference Website _____________________________________________________________
Presentation type (Choose one) Oral Poster Other (Please describe) ______________
GSA Travel Award Faculty Recommendation Form
Note: Please complete the form entirely and hand it to the student for submission in a
sealed envelope. This form will be kept confidential.
Student Name ______________________________________ Department ________________
Faculty Member Name _______________________________ Department ________________
Faculty Email ID __________________________________ Phone Number _______________
Instructions for Recommendations: For each category enter 0-4 based on your perception of the
student in each of the following four areas (4 Excellent, 3 Good, 2 Fair, 1 Poor, 0 Not
Enough Info)
Are you a research advisor of the student? (Yes / No) _________________________________
Is this conference paper/poster peer reviewed? (Yes / No) ______________________________
Have you read this paper/poster? (Yes / No) _________________________________________
Quality of Work to be Presented __________________________________________________
Students Presentation Ability ____________________________________________________
Students Research Abilities _____________________________________________________
Students General Knowledge of the Field __________________________________________
Overall Quality of the Students Conference _________________________________________
Is the Applicant Giving an Oral Presentation ________________________________________
Please write any comments regarding the student (required)
Faculty Member’s _____________________________________
click to sign
click to edit
Name Department
Home Address Telephone Extension
Dates Location/Destination
Purpose of Travel
III. Travel Authorization
Estimate Expense Type/Date Total
Rental Vehicle
Hotel (Lodging only)
Detail Sheet**
Grand Totals
Proposed Accounts: Prior Payments
Account Distributions
* Attach receipts if daily total exceeds $60
** Attach detail sheet for mileage. Include receipts if total for taxis, parking and tolls
exceed $25
Reimbursement Authorization Account:
I certify that the expenses listed above were actually incurred and were
Travel Authorization
necessary to fulfill the mission of the university.
Traveler Date
Traveler Date Chair (All Travel) Date Dean ($1,501-$3,500) Date
Supervisor Date
Provost/VP ($3,501-$10,000) Date President ($10,001+) Date Budget Controller (All Travel) Date
Disposition of Check:
Mail to Above Hold for Pickup