Public Scoping Meeting, July 19, 2016
National Foreign Affairs Training Center (NFATC)
2016 Master Plan Update and Environmental Assessment
This form is provided to receive your comments regarding the National Foreign Affairs Training Center
(NFATC) Master Plan Update Environmental Assessment. Please use the space provided below for your
comments; you may use additional pages if necessary. You may leave this form at the meeting or mail or
e-mail it to the address below. Comments must be received by August 19, 2016. We appreciate your
interest and value your input.
Ms. Alexis Gray, NEPA Compliance Specialist
Office of Planning and Design Quality
U.S. General Services Administration, National Capital Region
301 7th Street, SW / Suite 4004
Washington, DC 20407
Office: (202) 260-6895
alexis.gray@gsa.gov or www.gsa.gov/portal/content/13623
Do you have any concerns that the Project Team should be aware of as we kick off this Master Plan
Update and begin studying potential impacts? Please describe them and how they relate to the
overall site or the surrounding community.
Do you have comments or concerns about specific resources or areas of technical study that should
be considered in this effort?
General Comments:
Full Name, Email: (please print): ________________________________________________________
Address (please print): _________________________________________________________________