Current Graduate School forms reside at https://www.clemson.edu/graduate/students/forms.html Form GS-LoA — Request for Leave of Absence Rev. 07/2020
CLEMSON UNIVERSITY GRADUATE SCHOOL E-106 Martin Hall Clemson, SC 29634-5713 ph. 864.656.5202 page 2 of 3
GS-LoA — Request for Leave of Absence
This form must be completed and submitted by the last registration day for the initial term of absence. Your student account will
be deactivated if you are not enrolled or on approved leave. Return completed form to The Graduate School, E-106 Martin Hall,
according to instructions on previous page or email to GS-LoA-form@lists.clemson.edu.
Name: Cell phone:
Email: XID#:
International student
PhD Program
Address while on leave:
Street / city / state / country
Term(s) of requested leave:
Fall TO (returning term)
year year
Month/day leave starts, if known:
Reason for requesting leave:
Medical leave (please attach documentation)
Other (please describe on next page)
I have discussed my financial support for my return with my program coordinator. I understand that my financial support
(assistantship, traineeship, fellowship):
will be available upon my return;
will not be available upon my return;
I do not have financial support from the department or program.
I have discussed my intended leave of absence with my advisor and/or program coordinator, and (if I am an international
student holding an F-1 or J-1 visa) with an International Services advisor, as indicated by the signature(s) below.
I have at least a 3.0 GPA and have passed/completed all program requirements to date (comps, qualifiers, etc.).
I understand that while I am on leave, I may not utilize Clemson University resources including laboratory facilities, recreation,
or health and wellness facilities.
I have read the Leave of Absence, the Continuous Enrollment, and the Readmission policies in the Graduate School Policies &
Procedures Handbook. I understand the consequences of failure to adhere to these Graduate School requirements.
Signature of student Date
Advisor (print name) Signature Date
Program Coordinator (print name) Signature Date
International Services Advisor (print name, if applicable) Signature Date
To be notified by email after approval:
Department Head (print name and email)
Leave approved
Leave not approved
Graduate School Dean signature Date
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