Student Leader
Employee Advisor
Paperwork Policies Procedure
Obtain your OwlCard Student ID at the ASFC Smart Shop,
Campus Center, Room 2016.
If there is a club you want to activate, reactivate or join, go
next door to the ASFC/ICC Office in the Campus Center,
Room 2011 or the Student Activities Office, Room 2009, to
get the Active Club List and view club files and accounts.
Complete the Activation/Reactivation Form found in the ICC
Handbook after obtaining signatures of five preliminary members.
Recruit a faculty/staff member to be an advisor. They would need
to agree to attend official club meetings, club events, and be
responsible for signing off on budget and paperwork items.
ppoint a representative who will be the responsible student leader
who will attend weekly ICC meetings, Tuesdays 3 p.m. in the
Campus Center, Toyon Room, Room 2020. The representative's
weekly leadership role is to be the public relations representative,
to process and present activity and funding paperwork, and to give
weekly reports to and from the club.
Join our Service Leadership Course SOSC79 - Intro to
Community/Civic Engagement. Learn, practice, and enhance
marketable power skills such as speech communication,
budgeting, time management, event coordinating, business
practices, politicking, public relations, troubleshooting, and much
more. Add your leadership service to your resume and college
More Info.:
ICC Club
Inter Club
(650) 940-7060 |
Campus Center, Room 2008
Visit our quarterly showcase of our clubs
during Club Day held on Wednesday and
Thursday of the second week, from 12-1 p.m.
5 Steps to
Revised January 2020
Table of Contents
Chapter 1: Introduction (Pages 1 - 2)
Club Support Team
Student Activities Office, Campus Clubs, & Learning Outcomes……………………………
Chapter 2: Starting a Club (Pages 3 - 8)
**Activation/Reactivation Petition Form**………………………………………………..
**Recommitment Form**…………………………………………………………………...
Quarterly Club Meeting Room Request Form…………………………....……………….......
Advisor Responsibilities………………………………………………………………………
Overview FCC Rep. and Faculty/Staff Advisor Roles & Responsibilities………………..…. 7 - 8
Chapter 3: Running a Club (Pages 9 - 12)
Sample of the Club Agenda…………………………………………………………………...
Sample of the Club Minutes………………………………………………………………….. 10 - 11
Club Constitution Guidelines…………………………………………………………………
Chapter 4: Funding (Pages 13 - 20)
**Fund Request Form**……………………………………………………………….……
Accounts & Fund Requests…………………………………………………………………… 14 - 16
Finance Code.………………………………………………………………………………… 17 - 20
Chapter 5: Planning an Event (Pages 21 - 28)
**Activity Petition**……………………………………………………………….………...
**Fundraiser Petition**………………………………………………………….………….
Plan & Host an Activity……………………………………………………………………….
Event Planning Checklist & Logistics………………………………………………………...
Marketing Strategy Checklist…………………………………………………………………
Food, Refreshments, & Entertainment Checklist……………...……………………………...
Decorations Checklist…………………………………………..……………………………..
Sponsoring a Dance…………………………………………………………………..……….
Chapter 6: Planning a Field Trip (Pages 29 - 33)
Student Field Trip/Excursion Request Form………………………………………………….
Student Field Trip/Excursion Risk Agreement Form…………………………………..……..
Off-Campus Activity Agreement Form…………………………………………..………...…
Conference Attendance Agreements....…………………………………………………..…… 32 - 33
Chapter 7: ICC By-Laws and Official Rules of Conduct (Pages 34 - 39)
ICC By-Laws & Meetings……………………………………………………………………. 34 - 37
Robert's Rules of Order………………………………………………………………………. 38 - 39
**Forms that will be voted on in ICC**
Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Kamara Tramble
Student Accounts Manager
Has old and new account details
and reimburses clubs
Campus Center, Room 2005
Phone: (650) 949-7280
Daphne Small
Director of Leadership & Advocacy
Leadership Instructor
Campus Center, Room 2009
Phone: (650) 949-7218
Bernie Miao
ASFC Vice President of ICC
Chairs weekly ICC meetings,
has club public historical files
Come-In: Campus Center, Room 2011
Erin Ortiz
Student Activities Specialist
ICC Advisor, supports daily needs of clubs
Campus Center, Room 2008
Phone: (650) 949-7060
Page 2
Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Student Activities Ofce
Campus Clubs
Approximately 70 clubs are active quarterly, and over
250 chartered campus clubs cater to a wide variety of
student interests: athletic, career, cultural, departmental,
honors, service, political, religious, social and special
interest. A voting representative from each club attends
the Inter Club Council (ICC) meetings, held Tuesdays
at 3 p.m., chaired by the Vice President of ICC. Clubs
promote campus participation by co-sponsoring the
nine-month Heritage and Health series, planning
and hosting club events and fundraisers, attending the
quarterly Club Days, and volunteering in the
community and on-campus.
Clubs are supported and sponsored by the Associated
Students of Foothill College (ASFC). Activities include:
Club of the Year competition, quarterly Club Days, and
free rentals of Foothill facilities and audio-visual and
event equipment.
Receive exposure to different cultures, majors
The Foothill College Student Activities Office is a
part of the Student Affairs & Activities Department,
in the Student Service Division. It focuses on
Foothill’s "Beyond the Classroom" education,
empowerment, and entertainment through
leadership, cultural, social, volunteer and political
classes, events, services, and programs. This
program prepares students for their volunteering,
interning, transferring, graduating, and career
goals. It includes:
Associated Students of Foothill College (ASFC)
ASFC Design Center
ASFC Smart Shop
Beyond the Classroom calendar Planner Project
Campus Center Meeting Room Scheduling
Campus Clubs, ICC Handbook, Support & Advising
Campus Cultural, Recreational & Social Programming
Campus Posting Review
College Hour (weekly, Wednesday, noon-1p.m. Events)
Commencement Ceremony & Reception
Dance Team Co-sponsorship
Event Planning Criteria
Food Bank
Funding & Support for Athletic Teams, Fine Arts & Performing Arts
Heritage & Health Month Series
Leadership Development
Legal Counseling Appointments
Master Activities Calendar Clearance
New Student Orientation Assistance
Posting Policy
Student Accounts Office
Vendor Booking
Volunteer Hub
Welcome Week Quarterly Events
Learning Outcomes
Club Status
To maintain active club status, complete required
forms, create & submit a constitution within four
weeks, and send representative to ICC weekly
If a club violates the ASFC constitution, by laws,
codes, or regulations, ICC can place it under
investigation and put it on warning or probation.
While on probation, a club must continue to attend
ICC meetings and cannot sponsor any activities or
request funds.
A club will be put on suspension and its accounts will
be frozen if it is not represented at three ICC meetings
during a quarter. The club can return to active status
by completing the Reactivation Form within the rst ve
weeks of the quarter (not summer session).
and career options.
Network with people with similar and
different interests and backgrounds.
Opportunity to increase your transfer, college
application and job options.
Enhance your leadership, public relations,
finance, event planning, basic business
practices, parliamentary procedure and
budgeting skills.
Practice your communication and team building
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Revised January 2020
Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
Petition to Activate/Reactivate
a Club
Club Name:
Purpose Statement:
Check one:
Activation (Has never existed before) Reactivation (Has advisor information, constitution, and/or account history on le)
2. Review the ICC Club Handbook, follow procedures thoroughly, and contact the ICC Advisor/Student Activities Specialist
for questions, advice, or assistance.
3. Collect signatures of five potential members who are currently enrolled Foothill students OwlCard Student ID holders.
4. Ensure a faculty/staff advisor(s) is available for official club meetings, can be present at events, and can oversee all financial
5. Confirm a club member as a representative at all Inter Club Council (ICC) meetings, weekly on
Tuesdays at 3 p.m. in the Campus Center Toyon Room (2020) where all completed Activation, Activity and Fund
Request Forms are due by 3 p.m. on Mondays.
6. Within 1 month, submit a Constitution that includes an agreed upon elaborated document of purpose, positions,
membership requirements, etc.
Information of Preliminary Members:
Printed First and Last Name Signature Email
A) ICC Rep. (quarterly commitment):
Signature indicates the student leader's commitment to have current OwlCard Student ID, represent the club at ICC meetings weekly on
Tuesdays at 3 p.m. and review ICC Rep. job description on page 8.
Signature Printed Name Date
Phone Email Student ID #
B) Club Faculty/Staff Advisor (quarterly commitment):
Signature Printed Name Date
Phone Email
C) Erin Ortiz, Student Activities Specialist (preliminary meeting & OwlCard verication): Signature indicates the student has the
updated quarterly sticker on their OwlCard
and is aware of their leadership role.
Signature Date
Circle one: Approved Denied
Vice President of ICC Signature Date
Signature indicates commitment to read Advisors Responsibility Form on pg. 8 of this handbook
be at official club meetings, attend all official on and off campus events and oversee club's financials.
When on field trips, advisor keeps field trip originals and leaves Erin copies.
Activate/Reactivate during the first five weeks of a quarter.
Quarterly Recommitment
, and currently have 5 members 
 This form doubles as both a notice to ICC that your club will stay
active as well as a room request form.
Quarter & Year: ____________
I, the undersigned ICC Representative, swear that my club shall do the following:
A. Review questions, the  Club handbook, follow procedures thoroughly, and contact the Student Activities Specialist for
concerns or assistance.
 Work with Student Activities Specialist for daily needs and event coordinating.
 Ensure a faculty/staff advisor(s) is at all  club meetings and events, and oversees all  matters.
 You are the representative is at all  () meetings, Tuesdays at 3:00 PMin the Toyon Room 2020).
 Read the constitution with your club and revise if necesary.
F. Verify your Club's Constitution is filed in the ICC club paperwork drawer in Room 2011 before submitting this form.
G. Mantain at least a 2.0 Cumulative GPA.
ICC Representative, committing to leadership position, including all responsibilites entailed on page 6.
Club Faculty/Staff Advisor(s), committing to be present at club's official meetings and events, being
the signer on the club's financial account, and all other respnsiblities detailed on page 6.
Student Activities Specialist, oversight and advisor to the advisors & ICC Reps.
 
ICC Vice-President
12345 El Monte Road Los Altos HillsCA 94022-4599Telephone: (650) 940-7637Fax: (650) 941-4574
Requested Room Number
: ________ Weekly Meeting Day: ___________
Weekly Meeting Time(start/end): ___________
 Signature Date Email Phone #
Printed Name Signature Date Email Phone # CWID
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Revised January 2020
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Revised January 2020
For AdministrAtive Use only:
Student Activities Staff
Signature Date
Room # Approved:
This form must be filled out completely with all required signatures. Cubs request a classroom. Campus
Center meeting rooms are for club events and emergency/one time per quarter or meeting, unless your
advisor is a Campus Center employee. Submit requests at the beginning of each quarter. Bookings are
confirmed after week two (2) of the quarter classes are finalized. Requests for room reservations made
later in the quarter typically take a few days. Please note there is no food allowed in the classrooms and
advisors need to be present the whole time, and must unlock and lock the door. Clubs need to leave the
furniture how they found it and tidy up after meetings. Clubs do not have to pay for facilities rentals.
ICC Club Center, Campus Center, Room 2010, is first come, first served for club meetings.
Print Date
B) Club Faculty/Staff Advisor Info. :
Agrees to be present for the duration of the meetings. For events, advisors are required to be present the entire time.
ICC Representative (please print) Phone # Email
A) Club Info. : Quarter/Year:
Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
Quarterly Club Meeting Room Request
Schedule : Weekly Bi-weekly Monthly Bi-monthly Other: _______________________
C) Meeting Room Info. :
Approx. # of Attendees Day of the Week Start Time End Time
EMERGENCY ROOM REQUEST? (once per quarter)
If checked, please indicate why:
Preferred Room: Alternate 1: Alternate 2:
(Circle One)
Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
Club Name
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Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
ICC Representative & Advisor Responsibilities
Advisor duties:
One advisor can commit to advising up to three clubs
Open to full-time/part-time faculty, classified staff, and administrators
Attend an advisor training Lunch & Learn Event, facilitated by the ICC advisor, or contact Erin Ortiz for
advice, training, and questions
Serve as the official representative of the college to the clubs and be present at official club meetings
and events, advise students of the policies and procedures they need to follow, and ensure that college
policies are upheld on and off campus
Oversee club account, be familiar with accounting procedures, and assist accountant and members in
club. Sign and review all requisitions for authorized expenditures and obtain signatures of appropriate
club officers
Help the officers of the organization understand their duties, responsibilities, and to apply democratic
principles within organizations
Ensure that all reasonable steps are taken to protect the safety and welfare of club members.
Advise clubs in following ICC policies and procedures
Facilitate District Field Trip Forms and keep originals while on field trips and supply copies to ICC
Get the meeting room key to unlock and lock meeting room door and ensure there is no food in
Regarding Media Equipment for Events:
All people must be authorized by the advisor to use media equipment.
An advisor must be present while media equipment is being used.
The advisor must prevent anyone from removing or experimenting with media equipment for
personal use.
Advisor must verify with Student Activities Office that media equipment has been securely stored, if
borrowed from ASFC.
If equipment is needed for a meeting, advisors need to do a work order, the Student Activities Office
can assist when it is for official events.
Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
ICC Representative job description:
ICC Representatives can only represent a total of 3 clubs
ICC Representatives must be elected or appointed by their club
ICC Representatives must have a 2.0 minimum cumulative GPA, be currently enrolled in
Foothill, and have an owl card with updated quarterly sticker
ICC Representatives act as the official liaison between the student activities specialist/ICC advisor and
their club
The official ICC Representative of each club must be able to coherently present any paperwork
from their club, including activity descriptions and fund usage
Page 7
Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Overview of Faculty/Staff Advisor Roles & Responsibilities
SECTION 76060-76067
The Foothill College Student Affairs &Activities Department welcomes faculty/staff advisors. You were selected by your student
leaders to serve them and the organization as a mentor and guide. This is an honor and an experience we hope that you will
enjoy. The Student Activities Ofce appreciates the work you do to support student leadership on campus and are available to
you throughout the year. The role of an advisor varies, but it is always an important one. The advisor is a non-voting member and
serves in an advisory role. The scope of the student organizations activities, the effectiveness of ofcers, the time commitments of
the advisor and several other factors determine the level of involvement the advisor will have with the student organization. The
Advisor serves as a liaison between the college and the students. The advising experience can be very rewarding and advisors can
have a lasting impression on students.
There may be some concerns regarding liability and your role as the advisor to a student organization. As an advisor and
employee, one is not to act outside of the scope of his/her employment. At no time should actions occur that would be considered
as behavior that is inconsistent with your role as an ofcial representative of the college. While the inuence of the advisor
is necessary and valuable, they are not responsible for the actions of the individual members or the organization as a whole.
Considering expertise and experience, the faculty/staff advisor can often provide signicant insights regarding student
organization issues. For example, conict resolution, goal setting, feedback, program ideas, continuity and advocacy. A very
important contribution is advising about organizational and interpersonal effectiveness, communication, and personal growth. It
is through the aid of the advisors that individual students develop their true potential as leaders.
The advisor should assist the student organization to adhere to all FHDA policies, as well as federal and state law. Student
organization programming/events may require custodial, audio visual or safety and security cost for event planning. The Student
Activities Specialist/ICC Advisor is the designee who can respond to questions concerning the interpretation or application of
policies and regulations. The faculty/staff advisor is encouraged to contact the Student Activities Specialist with any questions or
76060. The governing board of a community college district may authorize the students of a college to organize a student
body association. The association shall encourage students to participate in the governance of the college and may conduct
any activities, including fundraising activities, as may be approved by the appropriate college ofcials. The association may be
granted the use of community college premises and properties without charge, subject to any regulations that may be established
by the governing board of the community college district.
• PGA/PAA Hours for staff/faculty
• Developing a mentoring/teaching relationship with students
• Facilitating the growth and development of student leaders
• Establishing networks with peers/colleagues serving in similar capacities
• Continued historical growth related to cultural, social, religious, educational and political changes of
student organizations
• Since you are required to be present for the club to receive free facilities rentals and for club votes, it is very
important to be present for the brainstorming also.
• Set expectations: meet with leaders from the organization early in the academic quarter and discuss mutual
expectations that the leaders would like from the advisor and vice versa. Remember that organizations are
for the students, the role of the advisor is to advise in their decisions and assist them in their organizational
Page 8
Revised January 2020
• Quality vs. Quantity: It is very important to have a presence with students, but it is more valuable to have
meaningful interactions and relationships with students. Clubs are not required to meet weekly and it is
sometimes not necessary unless they need to conduct paperwork and discuss business. You being at their
meeting makes it ofcial.
• Motivation: sometimes students will burn out and lack the motivation to continue to work for the
organizations success. Advisors can help determine what will motivate the students (i.e., recognition,
achievement, empowerment).
• Extended absences: when advisors will be on extended absences from campus (sabbatical, leave of absence,
emergency leave of absence, etc.), an alternate advisor must be identied. This change should be reported to
ICC as soon as possible via the Advisors Responsibilities Agreement Form.
• Resignation: due to a number of factors (retirement, time constraints, difference of ideology, etc.), there may
come a time when advisors, organizations or both parties determine that another advisor would better serve
the organization. Once this decision has been made, it is important to have a discussion with the leadership of
the organization regarding any change.
Mentors have the responsibility of creating a one-on-one learning relationship based on modeling behavior and an
extended, shared dialogue. Students may look to mentors for advice regarding their career, activities, or personal
goals. Good mentors exhibit enthusiasm, genuine interest, understanding, and an honest rapport, along with the desire
to stimulate and expose others to new experiences.
Team Builder:
Team Builders work with their new ofcers to establish relationships that will enhance the ability of the organizations
leadership and members to work together. A team builder facilitates an environment in which he/she assists students in
understanding their strengths, weaknesses, work styles, and goals
Motivators are aware of their students’ needs, wants, desires, and impulses. You can motivate students through
recognizing their efforts, appealing to their desire to create change, and connecting their experiences at Foothill to the
experiences they will have in the community.
Conflict mediators work with students to resolve any conflict within the group or other college party. Successful
mediators only get involved wh
en students cannot resolve their issues on their own. It is important to remain as
impartial as possible so as not to show a bias toward any one student within the organization. The ultimate goal is to
reach a win-win situation for the students and the organization.
Policy Interpreter:
A policy interpreter must adhere to policies and rules for clubs. Advisors are asked to familiarize themselves with this
document so that they can assist students in their understanding of how to work within college parameters. Being able
to interpret policies and rules to the students is extremely valuable.
Reective Agent:
Reective agents encourage their students to engage in activities that contribute to each individual student’s ability
to make meaning of his/her own experiences. Reective agents ask probing and honest questions to challenge their
students to really learn about themselves and the world around them. Remember to have students reect on their
successes and failures.
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Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Room 3308
Pizza Party for the end of the year celebration
a. DecidingonwhattobuyforthePizzaPartyandhowmuchweneedtospend.
Prepared By:
Micaella Paola A. Fajardo
International Student Connection
Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
Sample Agenda
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Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
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Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
Constitution Guidelines
ICC will be mandating constitutions for all clubs. The following guide will take you 
through how to create a constitution. Feel free to add or remove sections as necessary. This 
whole process shouldn’t take longer than thirty minutes and hopefully will help your club in the 
**Words in bold are where you would place your own club information**
Article I. Name of Club
Section 1.01 - Club Name
Article II. Purpose of Club
Section 2.01 - One sentence description of club purpose.
Article III. Membership
Section 3.01 - Who qualifies as a club member? (Foothill student, attended at least
one meeting...)
Article IV. Qualification and Election of Officers
Section 4.01 - Requirements to run for officer positions (2.0+ GPA)
Section 4.02 -  List of officer positions (ICC only requires clubs to
have an ICC representative, anything else is up to you!)
Section 4.03 - Election process
Article V. Duties of Officers
5.01- ICC Representative
List responsibilities of ICC Representative
Continue same format for remaining positions
Article VI. Impeachment and Replacement of Officers
Section 6.01 - Outline impeachment process
Article VII. Faculty/Staff Advisor
Section 7.01 - Advisor function and participation in meetings
Article VIII. Dues
Section 8.01- Potential Membership Dues
Article IX. Meetings
Section 9.01- Conditions for legislation to be passed in meeting and who is
responsible for different aspects of meetings
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ICC Handbook
Page 13
Event/Project purpose: _____________________________________________________________________
List how the funds will be used: ______________________________________________________________
Describe how students will benefit from this and how many will be served: ________________________
1. IC RepC Prin. te Nad m Se ig& nature Date
2. Clu Adb viso Prir nte Nad m Se ig& nature
3. Kamara Tramble, Student Accounts Manager Signature
For Administrative Use Only After Money Passes with ICC Vote
____________________________________________ Circle One: Approved Denied
Completed form is due with supporting documents Mondays before 3 p.m. and
presented Tuesdays at 3 p.m. by the ICC Representative.
Fund Requests must be approved before any purchases are made.
Club Name: _____________________________________________ Today’s Date: ____________________
Club Representative: ______________________________________ Representative’s Position: _________
Email: __________________________________________________ Phone: __________________________
Total Amount of Funds Requested: __________________________________
Date Required: ___________________ Club Account Number: ___________________________________
Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
Fund Request Form
4. Erin Ortiz, Student Activities Specialist
$50- New Club Seed Fund: for newly activated clubs only to open their financial account.
$200- Annual Grant: per academic year for general use. No minutes needed.
$500- Special Activities Annual Fund: not directly deposited available for reimbursement. Club minutes and cost lists required for on-campus events only. Activity
petition required. If for a guest speaker, a contract must be completed one month prior. For purchases over $1,000, a purchase order one month before is needed. If
partial funds is for a donation to an outside organization, the funds raised can't be deposited in the club's account and the advisor needs to be present for cash handling
(same stipulation for all club money).
$1,000- ICC Project Annual Fund: not directly deposited. Can only be requested after Special Activities Fund and Annual Grant have been used. Can be used
to organize large on-campus events or project, ICC needs one month notice. Club minutes and cost list are required.
Note: All clothing bought through club funds must have the Foothill College logo on it in order to be reimbursed. All items bought for club use must be
stored in the club room in one of the lockers.
ICC Vice-President Date
Revised January 2020
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Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Open Accounts & Request Funding
Student Accounts Ofce
The Student Accounts Ofce is committed to serving
the needs of students in a professional and efcient
way to help improve the quality of student life on
campus. The Student Accounts Ofce is open from
8 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. on weekdays. Special hours for
breaks and summer quarter are posted at the ofce
during those periods.
Contact: Kamara Tramble, Accountant
Call: (650) 949-7280
Come In: Mon. - Fri. 8 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Complete the Cash Count Form to log the
deposited funds from the Student Accounts
When requested, a $50 one-time "seed" fund is
deposited in each new club account via the ICC.
Club account number must be recorded on the
back of checks to be deposited
All funds are deposited at the Foothill
Bookstore by a club representative, usually the
Club Treasurer.
Fund Raisers
MANDATORY: Prior to the fundraiser the Club
Treasurer and Club Advisor must meet with the
Student Accounts Manager to review:
Count pre-numbered tickets
Record of tickets sold
Petty cash
Collection of all money with advisor overseeing
cash carrying
Clubs are billed for services at the ASFC Smart
Shop and Design Center. If bills are not paid
within 30 days, the ICC will deduct the amount
due from the $200 Annual Grant available to that
All money received by a club must be deposited
at the Bookstore within one (1) business day of
Payment and Reimbursements
All expenses incurred on behalf of a club must be
supported by the club minutes, receipt originals,
and signed by the club secretary to ensure
accountability and responsibility. Exceptions will
be made for miscellaneous charges made at the
ASFC Smart Shop or the Design Center.
Event-related expenses need ICC minutes in
order to be approved. The ICC minutes, club
minutes, invoices, and other necessary supporting
documents are needed to ensure that payments
are ready to be processed.
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Revised January 2020
Independent Contractors
The Independent Contractor Form is used to pay
individuals who meet the following conditions:
The payee has a principal place of business
other than that of the Foothill-De Anza
Community College District.
The payee is customarily engaged in offering
this service to the public.
The payee receives compensation for similar
services from customers/clients other than
Foothill-De Anza Community College District
After funds have been voted on, advisor
completes the Independent Contractor Package and
return it to the Student Accounts Office. The entire
package must be completed each time used unless
an open purchase order is created for the whole
fiscal year. (See student accounts manager.) No
deposits are allowed. Anything over $1,000 needs a
Invoices and Reimbursements
Complete the Check Requisition form, attach
the required minutes, original receipts, invoices, and
other supporting documents, and forward to the
Student Accounts Ofce. Please allow at least three
working days to process reimbursements. Invoice
payments may take up to two or three weeks.
Ofce of Student Accounts
Most of the available forms are additionally available
online at:
Funding Instructions
Clubs are funded as follows:
$50 Seed FundFor the first time a club is
activated. Clubs must request this amount using the
Fund Request Form
$200 Annual Grant – Per academic year for general
$500 Special Activities Funds – Not directly
deposited. Club minutes and cost list are required,
the funds are for on-campus events only. An
approved Activity petition 2 weeks in prior is
needed to request this fund. 4 weeks notice is needed
if the event involves outside vendor or guest speaker.
$1,000 ICC Project Fund – Not directly deposited.
Usable to organize events and projects that require
one month notice in advance. Club minutes and cost
list are required. On-campus event only.
Fund Requests
As a club, members vote to request the relevant
funds (attach minutes) and discuss cost/expense
Complete the Fund Request Form from
this handbook.
Meet and review with the student accounts
Submit Fund Request Form and Club Meeting
Minutes, at least two weeks in advance of need.
Club's fund request will NOT be processed if
clubs are on probation or suspension status or fail
to submit their constitution.
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Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
ICC Project Fund
Primary use of fund: For clubs to organize
large on-
campus events and projects to achieve their
respective goals.
Other use: For the promotion and marketing of campus
clubs event and ICC.
ICC Project Fund should be used to:
Organize events, programs or services
Embrace and celebrate diversity on the Foothill
College campus
Promote active campus clubs
Promote student leadership and involvement in
campus activities
The Vice President of ICC and the ICC Advisor
must receive all completed requests for
Organizations Project Fund by Monday 3 p.m.,
4 weeks prior to the event, preceding the ICC
Adherence to requirements and petitions for
Special Events as stated in the Foothill College
and the ICC Handbook.
A detailed cost breakdown or budget for all
events funded through Organizations Project
Fund should be clearly displayed during the
fund request process.
All publicity materials for events sponsored by
ICC through Organizations Project Fund
should clearly display.
Clubs must submit a list of their
accomplishments and contributions to Foothill
College Campus life during the prior active
All requests for funds must be approved by at
least a 2/3 majority vote through ICC.
Larger events that need four weeks' notice needs
minutes that include cost list/budget breakdown.
Can only be requested after the club has used
the $200 annual grant and organized an event
with the $500 Special Activities Fund.
Can only organize a constitution
related event.
Can’t be used to sponsor/co-sponsor
constitutional purpose-related events and
heritage months.
Can be used to sponsor academic department
events that are relevant to the club's
constitution purpose.
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Revised January 2020
Section 1: Objectives
The establishment of ICC Finance Code is to further
enforce the policies and procedures for the approval,
expenditures, and development of all funds under the
control of the Inter Club Council. The code ensures
that students of Foothill College experience the full
range of benets provided through organization
activities. The code will also ensure that all nancial
decisions and transactions made by the Inter Club
Council are in the best interest of its constituents. All
pertinent federal, state, county, and district nancial
regulations are taken into consideration in the
process of code establishment.
Section 2: Starting Funds
Clubs can use funds received from ICC for activities
or events on campus.
A. A new Club is eligible to obtain $50 Seed Money
for the first time the club becomes active. All
organizations are eligible to obtain $200 annual grant,
and up to $500 or $1000 Special Activities Fund or
Organizations Project Fund once during an academic
year. To obtain the $500/$1000, additional
documentation is needed. In order to receive the
annual grant, Clubs need to fill out the Fund Request
form & submit it to the ICC Board/Advisor, or put it
in the red box by the ICC cubicle before Monday at 3
p.m. The $50 Seed Money will automatically be
deposited into the newly founded Club account. This
can happen if the Club opened their account with the
Student Accounts Office.
B. An organization must be present at roll call at the
Inter Club Council meeting in order to request funds
from Inter Club Council or their funds may be
C. After the board approves an organization’s
request for funds, the ICC Finance Director will
give the Students Accounts Manager ICC minutes
and then students can submit the completed form
(indicating the amount of money transferred, the
recommended vendor, and the source of funding)
along with the organization's minutes and receipt
originals as a supporting document.
Section 3: Deposits
A. All cash & checks collected need to be submitted
with supporting documents & the appropriate
signatures of the club's advisor, club ofcer, and
student accounts manager, before depositing the
funds to the bookstore. All funds must be deposited
to the Foothill Bookstore immediately after following
the activity by the club treasurer and advisor.
B. Income of events must be deposited into the
organization's account before the organization pays
any expense charges (for more detail, see Article
V). The direct payment of expenses of an event
(food services, decoration expenses, etc.) may not be
funded from the income of the event.
C. All funds generated by a host organization
through events or activities must be deposited
immediately into the organization’s account. If the
Students Accounts Manager is not available at the
time (night-time, for example), the organization must
leave the funds generated with the advisor. As soon
as the Students Accounts Manager is available, the
ICC Finance Director is responsible for retrieving
the funds from the advisor, and contacting the
Students Accounts Manager to arrange a deposit of
the funds.
D. The transfer of income from an event into an
organization’s account (either in the form of cash/
check) will be the responsibility of the advisor,
an employee of the Foothill-DeAnza Community
College District.
E. The Student Accounts Manager will keep an
accurate record of the funds transferred into the
organization's accounts, and issue receipts for all
money received.
Finance Code
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Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Section 4: Expenditures
A. An organization requesting reimbursements to
compensate for money already spent must ll out a
Check Request Form and get the advisor and club
rep.'s signatures. The form is available at the Student
Accounts Manager ofce. The completed Check
Request Form will be completed and presented to the
Student Accounts Manager.
B. To verify the legality/accountability of an
organization’s claim, the organization must provide
(along with the completed Check Requisition Form)
the Student Accounts Manager with the relevant
documents, such as:
a. The Inter Club Council minutes explaining the
fact that the board has already approved the activity
hosted by an organization (thus approving any
expenditures that occur as a result of the activity);
b. The club's minutes explaining the fact that the
activity and costs associated are being held with the
knowledge and approval/consent of all the members
of the organization;
c. Original receipts of items purchased for the activity
(decorations, etc.);
d. Other documents as requested by the Student
Accounts Manager. Once the Student Accounts
Manager veries the accountability of these
documents, the organization will be granted
C. Expenditures of organization funds can occur as
a. Purchase Orders: In some instances, goods or
services may be secured on account from cooperating
rms or business. If the goods are to be charged to the
organization's account, the Student Accounts Manager
will, upon receipt of the approved Check Request
Form and the accompanying documents, (for more
detail, see section 5B) issue the organization a Purchase
Order made out to the business. The Purchase Order
must contain information about the number and costs
of all items to be charged. Individuals or organizations
obtaining goods or services on account without the
Purchase Order will be held personally responsible for
the payment of goods/services. The Students Accounts
Manager must be allowed at least three (3) days' notice
on all Purchase Orders.
b. Check: Goods or services can be paid directly by
check. Upon the receipt of an approved requisition
and the accompanying documents, the Student
Accounts Manager will prepare the check. Checks are
customarily made out to the business. Bills validating
the payment of goods or services by check must be
returned to the Student Accounts Manager within
3 business days. When a check is made payable to
a faculty/staff advisor, it is the duty of this person to
obtain receipts from the business, and return these
receipts immediately to the Student Accounts Manager.
Section 5: Tickets
A. Tickets that are to be sold must be approved by the
Student Accounts Manager. All unsold tickets must
be returned. Exceptions to this regulation are to be
discussed by the Inter Club Council.
B. Complementary tickets to activities/events hosted
by an organization must be approved by the club's
Section 6: Maintenance of Records
A. Every organization's treasurer should maintain
accurate records of all income and expenditure
activities of the organization. The organization should
maintain copies of Requisition Forms and receipts in
all their files. The organization’s accounting books
will be open to the Inter Club Council's Executive
Board, and the Executive Board can (with sufficient
cause) instruct the ICC Finance Director to audit the
organization’s books.
B. ICC shall follow district or departmental division
procedures for maintaining records.
Section 7: Contracts
A. Club advisors and/or organization members
(students) ARE NOT allowed to nalize a contractual
agreement with rms/businesses/agents/DJs/caterers
without the knowledge and approval of the club
advisor and accountant.
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Revised January 2020
Section 8: Fund-Raising
A. Fund-raising activities are to be approved by
the Inter Club Council. The approval of a fund-
raising activity must be coordinated with the campus
activities calendar.
B. Fundraising activities need to be approved 1-2
weeks in advance, unless it is associated with a natural
disaster for victims with immediate needs (with ICC
Section 9: Funds Hibernation Process
A. All active organizations must be represented at
the Inter Club Council's regular meetings. According
to Inter Club Council Bylaws, the organization goes
into a state of probation after three (3) Inter Club
Council meeting absences; after four (4) consecutive
meeting absences the club goes into an automatic state
of suspension. The Inter Club Council Secretary will
keep track of the clubs absences and report to the entire
board. The ICC Secretary will also be responsible for
notifying the organizations advisor(s)/ofcer(s) (in
both written and verbal form) of their clubs status
both after the rst three (3) absences, and after the
fourth (4) absence. The ICC Secretary must also
notify the club's advisor/ofcer(s) of what will happen
to the organization’s funds if the club continues to be
unrepresentative for a period of sixteen (16) quarters or
more. (Notify the advisor and/or organization ofcer(s)
of the Section 9 B-C).
B. If the organization is not represented in these ICC
meetings for a period of sixteen (16) consecutive
quarters (including summer quarters) or longer, the
organization’s funds will then be transferred into
the ICC organizations project fund account. Note:
Section 3 must be implemented before any of the
organization’s funds are transferred. Note: during the
sixteen (16) quarters of the organization’s inactivity/
hibernation, the Inter Club Council Executive Board
will ensure that the club does not use the funds in
their account.
C. In order to effectively implement Section 2,
the ICC Executive Board will review the status of
organization annually.
1. All active organizations must be represented at the
Inter Club Council’s regular meetings as dened in
Inter Club Council Bylaws Section 5. Organizations
that are either in violation of this section or request
voluntary hibernation will be placed in states of
probation or hibernation in accordance with ASFC
Inter Club Council Bylaws Section 6. Notication
of Probation or Hibernation status will be made by
the ICC Secretary and Student Activities Specialist
in both written and verbal form to the organization
ofcer(s) and advisor.
2. If an organization in voluntary or involuntary
hibernation is not represented at ICC regular
meetings for a period of 16 consecutive quarters
(including Summer Quarters) or more, the
organization will be considered for Permanent
Hibernation. All Permanent Hibernation
organization’s funds are transferred into the
ICC Special Projects SP07 (or equivalent)
3. In order to effectively implement the actions of Section
10B, the Inter Club Council's Executive Board and
Student Accounts Manager will review the status of all
(active and inactive) clubs and organization accounts
after the 4th week of each Fall Quarter. Notication
of pending Permanent Hibernation Status, including
reference to the possible transfer of organization funds to
the ICC Special Projects SP07 (or equivalent) account,
will be delivered verbally and in writing to the last
known Faculty Advisor and/or organization ofcer(s).
If an organization ofcer or advisor does respond within
30 days to this notication and announces intent to
reactivate said organization to the Executive Board,
the Inter Club Council will allow the organization 2
quarters to complete the reactivation process. If there is
no response within 30 days, if the reactivation process
is not completed, or if the response from the Club's
Advisor and/or the Club's President is to proceed with
Permanent Hibernation, the Inter Club Council must
publish a nal announcement of Permanent Hibernation
in the school's newspaper (if one exists), website, and
Inter Club Council Bulletin Board. If there is no further
response from the campus
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Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
community to the Inter Club Council Executive
Board after 30 days then the transfer of permanent
hibernation organization funds to the ICC Special
Projects SP07 (or equivalent) account will be made
by the Student Accounts Manager as directed by a
vote by the Inter Club Council.
4. An organization that has been put into Permanent
Hibernation status can reactivate its organization.
However, after the transfer of funds mentioned
in item four (4), the Club needs to clarify what
will happen to their funds. They can receive $50
of seed money and $200 of grant money. The
organization may not reclaim their “old” funds when
it reactivates.
Section 10: Stipulations
The Inter Club Council Executive Board reserves
the right, with the consent of the board and the
advisor, to discuss any exceptions or violations of
the rules and regulations mentioned above and take
appropriate actions.
Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Health Permit & Business License (not needed for established chain)
Invoice on company letterhead
District Contract required for payment if food is delivered one month
Off-Campus Speaker: (Please Attach)
Contact info. & bio. with reference list District
Contract required one month prior for payment
Club Name: ____________________________________________
Student Contact: ___________________________________________
Email: ___________________________ Phone: _______________
Event Name: ___________________________________________
Location of booked venue: __________________________________
Specific Plans of Activity (Food is not allowed to be cooked at home, potlucks are unofficial/for meetings and can't be
mentioned on this form. No reimbursements for prizes/gifts/gift cards/movie tickets): ____________________________
Club Account Balance: _______________ Requested ICC Funds (Attach Fund Request Form): ____________________
General Admissions Price: _________________ Price With OwlCard: ________________________________________
Anticipated Expenses: ______________________________ Anticipated Income: ______________________________
2 week's notice - for events that request $500 and for field
4 week's notice - for events that need $1000, have an off
campus cater, custodians and Campus Police, or need the
promotion time
Fundraiser (Must select an above option) -
Please see and fill out the Fundraiser Form in addition to
this form.
*If the location is an off-campus field trip, complete
the travel forms 2 weeks prior to the field trip
1) Club Ocer - veries club has voted to host the event:
Printed Name Signature Date
2) Club Faculty/Staff Advisor(s) - signs that she/he will be present during the entire event:
Printed Name Signature Date
3) Student Activities Specialist/ICC Advisor - confirms logistics and paperwork is complete:
Printed Name Erin Ortiz
4) Student Accounts Manager - reviews financials of events with club treasurer and trains students on cash box and bookstore deposit form:
Printed Name Kamara Tramble Signature
Circle one:
Page 21
Approved Denied
Vice President of ICC Signature Date
The purpose of this form is to make a club event officially exist and to allow for Fund
Request Forms. Submit a completed form to the ICC Advisor Mondays by 3pm.
Off-Campus Caterer: (Please Attach)
(Needed for those who deliver and are not an established chain. Not needed for pizza delivery. Hard copies required at event)
Foothill College • 12345 El Monte Road • Los Altos Hills • CA 94022-4599 • Telephone:(650) 949-7060
Activity Petition Form
Day(s) and Date(s): _________________________________________
Performer: ____________________________________________ Audience: ________________________________
Start Time: ________ End Time: ________
**Clubs must attach minutes showing that a majority of official members has been reached agreeing on planing and executing
the event**
Club Name:
Student Contact:
Email: Phone:
Event Name:
Fundraising Organization:
Email: Phone:
Days & Dates:
ICC Handbook
Off-Campus Speaker
.     
District Contract required for payment
Specific Plans of Fundraiser: __________________________________________________________________________
Club Account Balance: General Price:
Anticipated Income: Anticipated Expenses:
Student Contact - hosting and overseeing the event, in charge of handling the money with the advisor:
Printed Name
Signature Date
2) Club Faculty/Staff Advisors - signs that she will be present during the entire event:
Printed Name Signature Date
 Student Activities Specialist - confirms logistics and paperwork is complete:
Printed Name Erin Ortiz
 Student Accounts Manager - reviews financial of events with club :
Printed Name Kamara Tramble
Signature Date
Circle one:
Approved Denied
Vice President of ICC Signature Date
Off-Campus Caterer(if those who deliver and are not an established
( those who deliver and are not an established chain)
(not needed for established chain)
Invoice on company letterhead
District Contract required for payment if food is delivered 
Foothill College 12345 El Monte Road Los Altos Hills CA 94022-4599 Telephone:(650) 949-7060
Fundraiser Petition Form
Fundraiser Requirements - ICC advisor &
accountant oversee, while the club advisor is present the
whole time. If funds raised are for donation to an outside
organization, the funds raised can't be deposited in the club's
account and the outside organization must be present to collect
the funds during the fundraiser.
If the fundraiser is on or off-campus, your club advisor will
need to be present at all times.
**Money needs to be deposited immediately following an
event. Funds must be deposited at the campus bookstore after
the Student Accounts Manager signs off on cash count form,
or at the FHDA Police Dept, if the event ends after 4 PM. No
one is allowed to count cash alone, or keep money overnight.
Food & Reimbursments
***Food is not allowed to be cooked at home, potlucks are unofficial for meetings and can't be mentioned
on this form. No reimbursements for prizes, gifts, gift cards, or movie tickets.***
Start Time: End Time:
This form is to be completed and attached to the Activity Petition Form with
club minutes in the event of a planned fundraiser.
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Revised January 2020
ICC Handbook
Plan & Host an Activity
Club activities provide members hands-on experience
in decision making, communications, trouble-shooting,
delegating, budgeting, recruiting, problem solving,
marketing, public relations, time management, event
planning, politics, leadership and team building.
Holding special events strengthen club focus,
membership, and community building skills. The
Activity Petition enables a club to request funds,
receive assistance in planning, secure a location, and
promote events.
There are two ways to participate in events, you can
hold your own or co-sponsor another event.
Hosting an Event
Club members decide and vote on the event and
develop a budget with the advisor present. Advisor is
required to attend the entire event.
Members meet with the Student Activities
Specialist for event logistics and marketing.
Members meet with the Student Accounts
Manager to review the nancial aspects of the event.
If any food is involved, it can be catered with an
on-campus food caterer. Obtain their health permit
and business license prior to the event. No deposits
are allowed, contractor needs to complete Independent
Contract (I.C.) Packet, one month notice needed.
For events using outside speakers, a biography and
a list of references are required, I.C. Packet required
Complete the Activity Petition so ICC can vote to
approve and you can advertise it in writing and use
free facilities.
Clubs can vote to donate money toward an already
existing event or reimburse a member for expenses
used at/for an already existing event. If necessary, the
club will use the "Funds Request" form. No "Event
Petition" is required, only club minutes. Many clubs
enjoy setting up booths at department events, helping
non-clubs with events and use/agree to that during
their club meeting, not ICC.
Word of mouth – Announce events and meetings
during class with instructor approval.
Hang signs and yers in reserved high-trafc,
high-visibility locations on campus – must be approved
through the ASFC Smart Shop via a dated stamp.
The ASFC Design Center studio and ASFC Smart
Shop can assist with marketing needs.
The ASFC Smart Shop offers copying and printing
services and a 50% discount with current OwlCard.
Co-sponsor college hosted events
Foothill has an award-winning radio station,
KFJC 89.7 FM – contact them for advertising.
Announce and pass out information at ICC
meetings and/or ASFC Campus Council meetings.
Club Day
Promote via Facebook, etc.
ICC Contact Sheet
Guidelines for Off-Campus Events
After an Activity Petition is voted on, Field Trip
and Conference Forms are required two weeks prior
to the event taking place.
Remember, you are representing Foothill clubs:
conduct yourself in a mature way at all times.
No alcoholic beverages or illicit drugs of any kind
are allowed in conjunction with any event.
Club advisor will attend or designate a district
representative to attend all events.
Club's Activity Petition will NOT be processed if club
is 0n probation or suspension status.
Page 24
Phone: (650) 949-7281
Fax: (650) 941-4574
1 2 3 4 5 E l M o n t e R o a d
L o s A l t o s H i lls
C A 9 4022 - 4599
Foothill-De Anza Community College District
Event Planning Checklist
Today's Date: _________________________________
Organization's Name: __________________________
Date & Day of Event: ___________________________
Location: _____________________________________
Start & End Time: ______________________________
Set up & Clean up Times: ________________________
Event's Purpose: _______________________________
Sponsors/Co-Sponsors needs, wants & agreement:
Coordinator: Contact Info.:
__________________ __________________
__________________ __________________
Chairs Needed Tables Needed
Special requests (canopy, stage, podium, etc.):
A/V request (projector, screen, P.A. system, cables, extension cords, etc.):
Custodians (2 weeks notice & over time required), $1,000 average
Police (minimum 2 required on overtime, $500 average
Activities Board or Outside Vendors:
Foothill-De Anza Community College District
Items Needed:
Contact Info:
Event Title:
Layout/Design/Table set up:
Location: ___________________________________________
Venue Booked: Yes No
1. Ofce Secretary Signature : _________________________
Account Name and Number:
Total Budget:
2. Accountant Signature: ______________________________
Student Name and Organization Name: _________________
Contact Info.:________________________________________
3. Student Leader Signature:___________________________
Advisor present the entire event time:
Name & Contact Info.: ________________________________
4. Advisor Signature:__________________________________
Revised January 2020
Page 25
ICC Handbook
Start Date:
End Date (Date of Event):Contact Info.:
***ASFC Design Center & Smart Shop (To use an outside vendor we require an Independent
Contractor Packet from Kamara Tramble & Advisor - Volunteers not to sign)***
Type of Advertising:
Flyers/ Posters
Website/ Facebook
Flat Screens
Classroom Announcements
Event Arrows
Display Cases
Black Stands
Door Signs
White Boards
Special Requests (description):
Yes Start Date End DateNo
Page 26
Food and Refreshments
Master of Ceremony:
DJ, Band, Singer, Dance Group, Guest Speaker
(Bio, Contact Info, and Reference List Required):
Required Health Permit: Yes No
Required Business License: Yes No
Anticipated Attendance:
Supplies/Food (Napkins, Utensils, Plates, water, etc.)
Contact Info:
Contact Info:
***Reminder- no food cooked from home***
To use an outside vendor such as a caterer, entertainer or guest speaker, we require an Independent
Contractor Packet from Accountant or Advisor - Volunteers cannot oversee. 4 weeks minimum and 3 months
if it costs over $1,000.
Revised January 2020
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ICC Handbook
Contact Info :
Theme (Table cloths, balloons, etc.):
Needed Items:
Name & Available Times Phone No. / Email
Page 28
Sponsoring a Dance
Hosting a successful dance requires a great deal of
brainstorming, as well as planning, communication,
organizing, budgeting, marketing, creativity, public
relations and teamwork.
Discuss plans with your Club Advisor who is
required to be present for the duration of the dance.
The "Activity Petition" form is due to the Student
Activities Specialist by 3 p.m. on the Thursday
preceding the ICC Meeting one month prior to the
dance. Create an agenda for your club members to
establish a student contact, or club representative,
and appoint committees to delegate various
A dance typically costs a club an average of $2,500.
Club votes to hold event and appoints a Club
representative to the Students Activities Ofce.
Club representative meets Student Activities
Specialist to book venue: Dance must end no later
than 12:00 a.m. (midnight).
Club Representative meets with the Student
Activities Specialist to begin arranging all necessary
facility and security requirements and to complete
the "Activity Petition." This must be completed at
least 30 days prior to the date of the event.
The Student Activities Specialist manages
arrangements and ASFC funds are used to pay for
campus services:
Campus Police Representatives: 2 Police
Ofcers minimum per dance, with a 4 hour
minimum and an average total of $550.
Custodial Service, for set-up and clean-up: 2
Custodians for a 4-hour minimum and average
total of $1,000.
Audio and Visual request.
The club should create committees to handle
different aspects of planning for the dance, such as:
Promotion and Marketing
Ticket sales
Set up and break down
Club advisor and club treasurer meet with the
Student Accounts Manager during the week prior
to the dance. See the Ofce of Student Accounts for
more details.
Mandatory District Liability Waiver Forms must
be available at the door for all attendees to complete.
No minors (<17 years of age) will be admitted at
the door unless the Minor Liability Form has been
previously completed.
Revised January 2020
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ICC Handbook
This request must be filed with the appropriate campus dean at least two weeks prior to the date of departure to establish the proposed
travels as a college sponsored activity, which assures insurance coverage for staff, students and the District. For trips over 24 hours,
please attach a copy of your itinerary with contact names, hotels and telephone numbers.
College De Anza
Number Participating Actual Charge to Student $
Voluntary Acceptance of Risk form: for adult students.
Minor Voluntary Acceptance of Risk form: for students who are under the age of 18.
Travel Agency Agreement form: when travel agent is making all the arrangements.
Non-Student Volunteer Participation form.
Class convenes and adjourns at destination.
Instructor and district assume no responsibility for
the "commute." Staff must not supervise the use of private cars nor participate in car pool
Recommended mode of travel. See Student Fieldtrip/Excursion Charter form. Arrangements
must be made by Purchasing Services.
Make your own reservations in advance. Reservations are not made as a result of filling out this
Use Travel Agent Agreement form when using a travel agency.
Division Dean Vice President (required for over 24 hrs)
Date Date
Revised: 8/27/2013 ORIGINAL — Instruction Office YELLOW COPY — Instructor/Sponsor PINK COPY — Division Office
Page 30
For students under 18, please refer to the Minor Authorization Form
Legal Name of Student (please print):
Preferred First Name__________________________________________
Age: Instructor/District Representative: Campus:
Dates of activity(ies), multiple dates are allowed, please be specific as to dates and purpose:
Completion of this form is required for all student field trip/excursion activities.
By signing this release I understand and agree to the following:
1. I understand that this field trip/excursion is a voluntary act on my part and that I am not required to participate in this
2. By participating in this field trip/excursion, I am assuming certain risks and I am waving certain rights:
Student understands that his/her participation in the field trip/excursion carries with it the risk of personal
injury, property damage or death, to student, whether from accident or intentional misconduct of a third
person. In order for the District to permit him/her to participate in the program, the student hereby accepts
and expressly assumes all risk of such injury or death. Student releases and discharges the district, its
officers, employees and servants (herein collectively referred to as "district") from all liability arising out of,
or in connection with student's participation in the above described activity, including travel, EVEN
liability means all claims, demands, losses, causes of action, suits, or judgments of any and every kind that
the student or student's heirs, executors, administrators or assignees may have against the district, or that
any other person or entity may have against the district, because of any death, personal injury or illness, or
because of any loss of or damage to property, that occurs during the above described activity and that results
In accordance with CA Code of Regulations, Title 5, Section 55450 regarding field trips or excursions,
Student further agrees to hold har
mless, defend and indemnify the DISTRICT from any and all liabil
ity, as
defined above, resulting from, or in any manner arising out of, or in connection with the STUDENT'S
participation in the above described activity, EVEN IF SUCH LIABILITY IS DUE TO THE NEGLIGENCE
3. That I am granting permission in the event of a medical emergency:
In the event of any medical emergency STUDENT authorizes the consent to any x-ray examination, anesthetic,
medical, dental or surgical diagnosis or treatment, and hospital care that the DISTRICT Faculty Sponsor
deems necessary for the safety and protection of the STUDENT.
I have read the above and understand its terms. I execute it voluntarily and with full knowledge of its significance.
__ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ___________
Signature of Adult Student Date
Phone number and email address of student______________________________________________________
____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ _________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _______ ___________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ ______________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____ ____________________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ ____________ _________ _________ ____________ ____________ _______
Signature of and printed name of Instructor/Staff Member Date
In the event of an emergency, please contact: ,
at the following number:
Revised: 10/1/2014 ORIGINAL Instruction Office YELLOW COPY Instructor/Sponsor PINK COPY Student
Revised January 2020
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ICC Handbook
Must be completed and returned to the Student Activities Advisor
in order to participate.
Remember you are representing Foothill - De Anza Community College District;
conduct yourself in a mature manner at all times.
Behavior must be in compliance with Foothill College's Code of Student Conduct and
the California Education Code.
No drinking of alcohol or unauthorized use of controlled substances (drugs) prior to,
or during the event, or you will be sent away and have no refund privileges.
Have one person who has lists of eld trip roster with emergency phone numbers.
Don't leave the event site. Don't take risks!
If driving, driver should have a well-maintained car, valid license and proof of
liability insurance.
Drivers and passengers are to wear seatbelts in the vehicle. This is CA law!
Drive safely and defensively!
Vehicles must only carry passengers and loads according to their stated capacity.
Consult your advisor on the activity to keep him/her fully informed of your plans.
It is expected that participants have paid the current quarter student body fee (OwlCard).
I have read, understand, and agree to abide by the guidelines above.
Print Name
___________________________________________ _____________________
Signature Date
Page 32
ASFC-FUNDED (unallocated reserves)
I understand that I am attending this conference as a representative of Associated Students
of Foothill College and that my expenses are paid by the students of that institution. I
understand that I am to conduct myself in a responsible manner and agree to the following:
I am currently enrolled at Foothill College and have paid this quarter's Student
Body Fees
No Alcoholic Beverages or Drugs. California State Education Code prohibits
alcoholic beverages or illegal substances being consumed during a college function
regardless of student's age. (For the student's protection, prescriptions should be
registered on medical consent form when turning in the application.)
Behavior must be in compliance with Foothill College's Code of Conduct and the
California Education Code.
Switching assigned rooms and inappropriate sexual behavior are unacceptable.
I must be a registered conference attendee to participate in the conference activities.
I understand that outside visitors are not permitted. I understand that leaving
conference for any reason without permission from my advisor is not permitted.
I understand that I must submit a written report and present it to Campus Council
within two weeks after attending the conference.
I understand that violation of this agreement may result in my immediate return to
my home at my own expense. Disciplinary action may also be imposed by Foothill
I understand that I am personally responsible for any hotel room incidental costs
above and beyond the room and tax fee.
I understand that I will be held liable for all of my conference-related costs should I
fail to attend and meet my responsibilities.
Signature Printed Name
Date Cell Phone #
FH Student ID #
Advisor must keep this agreement with them for each student representative
who attends any Foothill College-related conference, as well as have a copy on le.
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ICC Handbook
STUDENT REP. FEE-FUNDED (leadership focused)
I understand that I am attending this conference as a representative of Associated Students
of Foothill College and that my expenses are paid by the students of that institution. I
understand that I am to conduct myself in a responsible manner and agree to the following:
I am currently enrolled at Foothill College and have paid this quarter's Student
Body Fees
No Alcoholic Beverages or Drugs. California State Education Code prohibits
alcoholic beverages or illegal substances being consumed during a college function
regardless of student's age. (For the student's protection, prescriptions should be
registered on medical consent form when turning in the application.)
Behavior must be in compliance with Foothill College's Code of Conduct and the
California Education Code.
Switching assigned rooms and inappropriate sexual behavior are unacceptable.
I must be a registered conference attendee to participate in the conference activities.
I understand that outside visitors are not permitted. I understand that leaving
conference for any reason without permission from my advisor is not permitted.
I understand that I must submit a written report and present it to Campus Council
within two weeks after attending the conference.
I understand that violation of this agreement may result in my immediate return to
my home at my own expense. Disciplinary action may also be imposed by Foothill
I understand that I am personally responsible for any hotel room incidental costs
above and beyond the room and tax fee.
I understand that I will be held liable for all of my conference-related costs should I
fail to attend and meet my responsibilities.
Signature Printed Name
Date Cell Phone #
FH Student ID #
Advisor must keep this agreement with them for each student representative
who attends any Foothill College-related conference, as well as have a copy on le.
Page 34
Clause 1. ICC Board Responsibility
and Purpose
A. Members of the Associated Students of Foothill
College (ASFC) have an inherent right to form
organizations (clubs) among themselves. Such
organizations may be devoted toward social,
service, honorary, political, religious, athletic,
academic, cultural, departmental, or special
interests. Those clubs, which are permitted to
conduct events on the Foothill College Campus,
shall be brought together to maintain a spirit of
unity, fellowship, and cooperation through the
Inter Club Council.
B. The purpose of this board shall be to develop and
recommend to the ASFC Campus Council such
litigation, policies, codes, regulations, events, and
declarations to effectively implement, develop,
and coordinate events and programs for clubs.
Clause 2. Membership
A. Voting Members of the Inter Club Council shall
be the Vice President of ICC, who shall be
its Chair, the Finance Director, the Outreach
Director, the Program Manager and one
Representative from each Club duly chartered
under the provisions of the ASFC Constitution
and By-laws.
B. Voting Members of the Inter Club Council shall
be one Representative from each Club duly
chartered under the provisions of the ASFC
Constitution and ICC Bylaws (see sections 9 &
10) and, if needed, the Vice-President of Inter
Club Council and the ICC Finance Director.
Clause 3. Ofcers
A. In the absence or resignation of the Vice
President of ICC, the ICC Finance Director shall
serve as the Chair.
B. Once elected and/or appointed, the Vice
President of ICC, and ICC Finance Director
shall relinquish their club representation, and the
club in which they held representation shall elect
or appoint another representative to the ICC.
C. In the absence of the ASFC Parliamentarian
and ICC Secretary, the Vice President of ICC or
other members of the Inter Club Council shall
temporarily take over the responsibilities of the
ICC Parliamentarian and ICC Secretary.
D. The ICC shall be empowered to accept other
such agents, pending the approval of ASFC
Campus Council, as it may deem necessary to
effectively conduct its affairs.
Clause 4. Meetings and Procedures
I. ICC Meetings
A. Regular meetings of the Inter Club Council shall
be held weekly (excluding holidays, dead week,
closed weeks, summer quarter and exam weeks)
during the regular academic year.
B. Special meetings of the Inter Club Council
may be called by the presiding ofcer, provided
adequate notice is given to the membership, or
shall be called by the presiding ofcer on receipt
of the petition of one-third (1/3) of the voting
members of the council.
C. No more than three (3) clubs may be represented
by the same individual.
ICC By-Laws & Meetings
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ICC Handbook
II. Organizations Meetings
A. Organizations shall adhere as closely as possible
to their announced meeting schedule. The Inter
Club Council shall approve any special meetings
or departures from prearranged scheduling.
B. All organizations and club meetings shall be
announced through the club contact sheet
maintained by the Student Activities Ofce.
C. Inter Club Council weekly reports of all club
meetings shall be made available to ICC upon
D. No Club sha1l attend another's meeting with
the intent of disrupting the meeting. If a
substantiated complaint is made to the Inter
Club Council, judicial action may be taken in
accordance with Clause 6.
III. Inter Club Council Procedure
A. All Clubs shall submit to the Vice President
of ICC a completed roster of ofcers no later
than the third (3rd) Inter Club Council meeting
of the quarter and shall report additions
and deletions to their rosters throughout the
academic year.
B. All Clubs shall submit to the Vice President
Organizations, no later than the third (3rd)
meeting of each quarter their desired meeting
times and places. The completion of the meeting
calendar shall be the rst business of ICC
each quarter. Clubs shall report any changes
in meeting times and places throughout the
academic year.
C. Any changes in organization constitutions must
be submitted to ICC for approval.
D. Any changes in a club’s constitution must be
submitted to the Vice President of ICC.
Clause 5. Eligibility for Organization
A. All Foothill College students are eligible to hold
any appointed or elected ofce in any approved
B. Two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of Inter
Club Council must be present before any matters
are acted upon by the council.
C. No student on academic probation shall be
eligible to hold a major ofce in any organization.
A major ofce shall be dened as that of a
presiding ofcer in any organization; any other is
a minor ofce.
D. The maximum number of ofces a person can
hold during a quarter is three.
E. For the purpose of establishing quorum, the ICC
Secretary shall maintain one ofcial roster of
active clubs. The roster shall document the status
of all clubs, as active, probationary, deactivated,
or suspended.
F. The Executive Board of ICC shall maintain
current club les, which shall include copies
of club constitutions and any other pertinent
G. Organizations shall promptly distribute their
agendas, minutes, and other reports.
Clause 6. Judicial Power of
the Inter Club Council
A. The Inter Club Council shall have the power to
put an organization on probation if it violates
the ASFC Constitution, Bylaws, Codes or
regulations, or in a state of hibernation if it
desires to become inactive. Terms of probation of
hibernation, except for those of absences, shall be
determined by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Inter
Club Council.
Page 36
B. Upon the third (3rd) absence from the Inter
Club Council meetings of any given quarter, an
active organization shall go into an automatic
state of probation. Such action will be preceded
by one week's posted notice upon the fourth
(4th) absence of an organization; they shall go
into an automatic state of hibernation.
C. During probation, an organization must maintain
attendance. The Vice President of ICC must
report the probation status to the next meeting of
ASFC Campus Council.
D. Clubs on probation may not hold an activity
afliated with Foothill College or request funds.
E. If an organization does not satisfactorily
complete probation, the Inter Club Council
must report the infraction to the ASFC Campus
Council. The organization will be suspended for
the remainder of the quarter.
F. An organization may choose to go into
hibernation by ling a petition to hibernate,
or by contacting the Vice President of ICC to
hibernate, which must be approved by a two-
thirds (2/3) vote of the ICC.
G. The maximum amount of hibernation time is two
(2) years. After two (2) years, a club wishing
to reactivate will be handled as if it were a new
H. Clubs that are absent for at least three (3) ICC
meetings per quarter as an active club will be
automatically be in the suspension state.
Clause 7. New Organizations
A. Every new club must le with the Vice
President of ICC within four (4) weeks after
the date of its rst (1st) meeting a proposed
written constitution. This constitution must
be in accordance with the ICC By-laws and
ASFC Constitution. Final recognition of any
organization is dependent upon approval of its
constitution by the ICC.
B. Every chartered organization must have an
advisor who is a district employee and is
approved by the ICC Advisor.
C. ASFC Charters
1. Powers:
In order that it may effectively promote,
control, and regulate the functions of the
several organizations emanating from the
events of its members, the ASFC through the
ASFC Campus Council, is hereby empowered
to grant recognition through the process of
chartering worthy groups and organizations.
2. Privileges:
Groups and organizations ofcially recognized
and chartered under the terms of this Article:
a. May use the name of the College or the
Association in conjunction with their own;
b. May, in accordance with College policy, use
the facilities of the College;
c. Must use the nancial and accounting
services of the College;
d. May otherwise participate in the benets of
this association.
3. Charter Provisions:
Groups and organizations seeking or required
to seek ofcial recognition, must present
Charter Articles (a constitution) which set
forth, in sufcient detail information relative
a. Name
b. Purpose and Responsibility
c. Membership
d. Dues
e. Ofcers
f. Executive Organizations
g. Financial Responsibility
h. Process of Amending Articles
i. Rules of Order
4. Disciplinary Powers:
The ASFC Campus Council may, for cause,
place on probation, suspend or revoke any
charter that it grants.
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ICC Handbook
Clause 8. Organization Finances
All Organizations nances must be transacted in
accordance with the Inter Club Council Finance
Clause 9. Representation to ICC
The Vice President of ICC, ICC Finance Director,
ICC Outreach Director, ICC Program Manager,
and ICC Secretary will represent and serve the Inter
Club Council as voting members of ASFC Campus
Clause 10. Quorum
Two-thirds (2/3) of the voting members of the Inter
Club Council constitute quorum.
Clause 11. Voting Rules
Unless specied elsewhere herein, simple majority
is more than 50% of the total votes cast and a two-
thirds (2/3) vote is equal to or greater than two-
thirds (2/3) of the total votes cast. In the case of a
roll-call vote, any individual representing more than
one club can only vote once.
Clause 12. Rules of Order
Except as specically provided for to the contrary
elsewhere herein, Robert’s Rules of Order: Modern
Edition (current edition) shall govern all of the
actions and deliberations of this Council.
Clause 13. Minutes and Reports
The Inter Club Council shall cause to be promptly
disseminated to its membership and to the ASFC
membership in general, its minutes and such reports
and other proceedings, as it may from time to time
receive and adopt. The minutes from the previous
Inter Club Council Meeting, and the Agenda for the
upcoming shall be posted 72 hours in advance.
Clause 14. Special Events
A. Every special event planned by an organization
must be socially and educationally acceptable and
in accordance with all federal, state, local, and
college regulations.
B. Any special event, concession, dance, or off-
campus event must be approved by petition to
ICC, and shall be submitted at least two (2)
weeks prior to the event unless other time limits
are reset at the discretion of the Vice President of
1. For events involving any independent
contractors, all required documentation must
be submitted to ICC three weeks prior to the
2. Calendar clearance and the signature of the
Student Activities Specialist are required
before any event petitions are brought before
3. Event petitions must be approved by ICC
before any promotion of Events occurs (i.e.
yers, recorded announcements, and posters).
4. Before distribution, the Ofce of Student
Activities must approve all promotional
C. Some events may require other forms or
applications. See the Inter Club Council Advisor
for more details.
Clause 15. Club Day
A. Club Day is a type of event organized by the Inter
Club Council. All attendance to Club Day(s)
organized by the ICC is mandatory.
B. Club of the year evaluation timeline, rubric, and
award will be decided by the Inter Club
Council Executive Board.
Page 38
*Reprinted with permission
Robert's Rules of Order
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ICC Handbook