Revised 06/28/2019
Loudoun County Solid Waste Management Facility
Municipal Waste Water Treatment Plant
Disposal Requirements
October 20, 2009
This document outlines the requirements for the disposal of municipal waste water
treatment plant debris screened from untreated sewage (hereafter called “GRIT and
SCREENINGS”) at the Loudoun County Solid Waste Management Facility (LCSWMF).
These requirements are based on the facility’s permit and Virginia Department of
Environmental Quality (VDEQ) memorandum (Grit and Screenings, February 26, 2007).
The LCSWMF will only accept GRIT and SCREENINGS generated from permitted
MWWTP located within the County of Loudoun, Virginia, and only on a pre-approved
GRIT AND SCREENINGS brought to the LCSWMF for disposal must meet the following
The GRIT AND SCREENINGS must be from a Loudoun County waste water treatment plant
and may not have left the County.
The GRIT AND SCREENINGS must be washed with clean potable water.
The GRIT AND SCREENINGS must be pre-treated by thoroughly mixing with hydrated lime at
a rate to establish a minimum pH of 10 in order to both kill pathogens and reduce odor. The
amount of lime, as well as the pH minimum may be reduced with the addition of chlorine in the
wash water and/or if the owner can confirm that the Grit and Screenings contains less than 2
million fecal coliform/gram.
The washed and lime treated GRIT AND SCREENINGS must be dewatered, contain no free
liquids, and treated samples must be able to pass the paint filter test standard for free liquids
The GRIT AND SCREENINGS shall not be malodorous as determined by the LCSWMF scale
The GRIT and SCREENINGS shall be certified by the plant operator to be non-hazardous
according to the current State of Virginia regulations governing the management of hazardous
waste in the Commonwealth, at a minimum pH of 10 and contain no free liquids and able to
pass the paint filter test.
All requests for disposal of GRIT AND SCREENINGS at the LCSWMF must be made by
a MWWTP licensed by the Virginia Department of Health (VDH) and submit the Grit and
Screenings Quarterly Disposal Request Form to the Loudoun County Department of
General Services, Waste Management Division (703-771-5500). Submission does not
denote approval. The request will be reviewed and approval/denial will be relayed to the
applicant. Current landfill fees apply.
All loads brought to the facility will be inspected. Material that does not meet the above
requirements will be rejected. Vehicles that are not capable of having their load
inspected, such as a closed tanker or vacuum truck, are not allowed.