Thank you for your willingness to assist a Global
University student by serving as an exam supervisor.
To ensure the integrity of this examination, it must be
written in the presence of an exam supervisor who is
pre-approved by Global University. The student listed
below has submitted your name, and Global University
has approved you to serve as exam supervisor. Please
read and follow the instructions carefully to ensure that the
student receives proper credit for the exam without
unnecessary expense and delay.
1. Arrange a time that is free from distractions and is
convenient for both you and the student. The student
may be allowed up to 3 hours to complete the exam,
unless the time limit is otherwise specified on the
2. You are expected to keep the exam materials secure
at all times. The student may not have access to the
exam prior to or following completion of the exam.
Duplication of any portion of exam materials is strictly
3. The student must complete the exam without any aids,
such as books or reference materials, except in
instances in which exam instructions permit a specific
resource. In the event there is any evidence of
dishonesty, you should retrieve the exam immediately
and return all components to Global University with a
note of explanation.
4. As an exam supervisor, you are not expected to, nor
allowed to, answer student questions. If any question
on the
exam is unclear, the student should be
instructed to accompany the written answer with any
assumptions or explanations for answering the
question as he or she understands it.
5. IMPORTANT! When the student completes the exam,
immediately take possession of the test and answer
sheet and:
a. Place your initials on the completed answer sheet.
b. Sign
and date this form in the space provided
below. (The student will not receive credit for the
exam until the exam supervisor has signed the
Place all exam materials—exam, answer sheet, and
this certified page—unfolded in a large envelope
and mail promptly to:
Global University
ATTN: Student Services
1211 South Glenstone Avenue
Springfield, MO 65804 USA
If the exam is returned to our office folded,
mutilated, or written on, the student will be charged
a $10 examination replacement fee.
6. To ensure that the exam materials are not lost in the
mail, please return the completed exam and all
components via FedEx, UPS, DHL, or certified USPS.
7. Return the examination to Global University within 30
days after it is sent to you, even if the student does not
take the examination. If the exam is not returned
within this time period, the student will be charged
a $10 late fee.
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to
contact us at 1-800-443-1083 (or 417-862-9533 if
calling from outside the USA).
Exam materi
als are due back in our office by
nder: The exam must be taken and returned to Global University by the date shown above.
Proficiency or Graduate-Level Examination
Student No.
Student Name
Number and Name of Exam:
I certify that I serv
ed as exam supervisor for the above student and examination. I further certify
that the
examination was administered according to all guidelines and specifications as set forth by Global University
and that I observed no irregularities unless noted below.
Exam Supervisor’s Name
Exam Supervisor ID#
Exam Supervisor’s Signature
Examination Date
Check here to indicate if there were any problems or questions during the exam. Please note them on the back of this form or on
a separate sheet.
click to sign
click to edit