GEORGIA COLLEGE CORE CURRICULUM * Academic Advising Center * 478-445-2361
ENGL 1101 English Composition I (grade of C req.) 3
Area A1 Communication Skills (6 hours)
ENGL 1102 English Composition II 3
Area A2 Quantitative Skills (3 hours)
MATH 1001 Quantitative Skills and Reasoning 3
MATH 1101 Introduction to Mathematical Modeling 3
MATH 1111 College Algebra 3
MATH 1113 Precalculus 3
MATH 1112 College Trigonometry 3
MATH 1261 Calculus I 4
*The majors in Biology, Chemistry, Computer Science, Math, and
Physics require MATH 1113 or higher in Area A2.
Students electing MATH 1261 will count three hours in Area A and
one hour in Area F or in their general degree requirements.
Area B Institutional Options (7 hours)
Area C1 Humanities and Ethics (3 hours)
AFST 2010 Introduction to African Studies ( GP) 3
BLST 2010 Introduction to Black Studies (GP) 3
ENGL 2110 World Literature (GP) 3
IDST 2305 Topics in Humanities and the Fine Arts 3
Area C2 Fine Arts (3 hours)
ARTS 1105 Understanding Visual Culture (G P) 3
IDST 2310 Fine and Applied Arts in Civilization (GP) 3
IDST 2315 America's Diverse Cultural Heritage (US) 3
MUSC 1105 Music and Civilization (GP) 3
THEA 1105 Theatrical Heritage (GP) 3
PHIL 2010 Survey of Philosophy (GP) 3
Area D Natural Sciences, Math and Technology
for Non-Science Majors (11 hours)
ASTR 1000 Intro to the Universe 3 ASTR 1000L Lab 1
BIOL 1100 Biological Processes 3
BIOL 1100L Lab 1
BIOL 1120 Biodiversity 3 BIOL 1120L Lab 1
CHEM 1151 Survey of Chem. I 3 CHEM 1151L Lab 1
CHEM 1152 Survey of Chem. II 3 CHEM 1152L Lab 1
ENSC 1000 Intro. to Env. Sci. (GP)3 ENSC 1000L Lab 1
GEOL 1121 Physical Geology 3 GEOL 1121L Lab 1
GEOL 1122 Historical Geology 3 GEOL 1122L Lab 1
IDST 2405 Necessities of Life 3 IDST 2405L Lab 1
PHYS 1111 Intro. Physics I 3 PHYS 1111L Lab 1
PHYS 1112 Intro. Physics II 3 PHYS 1112L Lab 1
MATH 1113 Precalculus 3
MATH 1112 College Trigonometry 3
MATH 1260 Survey of Calculus 3
MATH 1261 Calculus I 4
MATH 1262 Calculus II 4
MATH 2400 Introduction to Mathematical Thought 3
MATH 2600 Probability and Statistics 3
CSCI 1000 Introduction to Computer Science 3
CSCI 1301 Computer Science I 3
CSCI 1302 Computer Science II 3
Students electing MATH 1261or MATH 1262 will count three
hours in Area D and one hour in Area F or in their general
degree requirements, if needed.
Students may not receive credit in the CORE for both a
Principles course and a course with a lower number in the
same discipline (i.e. BIOL 1100 and BIOL 1107).
GC1Y 1000 Critical Thinking 3
GC2Y 2000 Global Perspectives (GP) 4
Non-Science majors must satisfactorily complete at least one three-hour
science course and its accompanying one-hour laboratory course in Area D.
*GC1Y must be taken in the student's first year.
GC2Y must be taken in the student's second year.
BIOL 1107 Principles of Biology 3
BIOL 1107L Lab 1
CHEM 1211L Lab 1
CHEM 1211 Prin. of Chem. I 3
CHEM 1212 Prin. of Chem. II 3
CHEM 1212L Lab 1
PHYS 2211 Prin. of Physics I 3
PHYS 2212 Prin. of Physics II 3
PHYS 2211L Lab 1
PHYS 2212L Lab 1
*Effective fall 2011, students who have earned 45 overall semester
credit hours but have not completed Area A English and Area A Math
must enroll in the next course in that sequence every semester in
which they take classes until both requirements have been
satisfactorily completed.
Effective fall 2012, the hour limit is lowered to 30 overall semester
credit hours.
ARTS 1110 Art and Ideas (GP) 3
MUSC 1200 Introduction to Music Literature (GP) 3
CSCI 1200 Current Topics in Computer and Info. Tech. 1
GEOG 1112 Intro. Weather/Clim 3 GEOG 1112L Lab 1
GEOG 1113 Intro. to Landforms 3 GEOG 1113L Lab 1
RELI 1111 Introduction to World Religions (GP) 3
GEOG 2100 Intro to Geospatial Science 3