W#: ___________________________________________________
Phone Number: __________________________________________
We recommend that you work with a General Studies Advisor and Financial Aid Advisor prior to declaring or changing your major
because changing your major can have a negative impact on current or future federal financial aid.
Catalog Year (i.e., 19-20)
Associate of Arts (AA)
Associate of Science (AS)
Certificate of Completion
Update catalog
Secondary degree (declared in addition to your
bachelor’s or associate’s, standard process)
*Primary degree (replacing current declaration)
*Switch between AS or AA of General Studies
*Student should check with Financial Aid before choosing these options
I understand that I am choosing to change my major and have discussed any financial implications with Financial Aid.
Student Signature: _______________________________________ Date: ___________________
Checked ID Advisor Signature: _____________________________
Submit your completed form to studentsuccess@weber.edu or return it to our office in person. If you are emailing your
form, please use your Wildcat email. When filling out the form please:
1. Fill in your contact information: Name, W#, Phone and Date.
2. Select the Degree Type. Choose either the Associate of Arts (AA) degree (has a foreign language requirement) or
the Associate of Science (AS) (does not have a foreign language requirement).
3. Select the Term Effective. Typically, this is the current semester, or the semester that you are declaring your
degree (Please choose only one).
4. Fill in the Catalog Year. This is the academic year in which you are declaring your major (example: 2017‐18). The
new catalog year starts in the summer semester. It is important to include the correct catalog year, as
requirements can change (Email studentsuccess@weber.edu or call 801‐626‐6752 if you need help determining
the correct catalog year).
5. Select one Declaration Type:
a. Select Update catalog year if you want to update your current declaration. Use if your current AS/GS or
AA/GS declaration is over 3 years old or if you would like to update your declaration to the current
catalog year.
b. Select Secondary degree if you are adding on the AS/GS or AA/GS as a secondary degree in addition to
your primary declaration (Typically adding an associate degree in addition to your bachelor degree).
c. Select Primary degree if you want to override your current primary degree with an AS/GS or AA/GS. This
may have financial aid implications. Please check with financial aid before pursuing this declaration.
d. Select Switch between AS, AA or CC if you want to keep your GS declaration but want to switch your degree
type (Example: switching from and AA/GS to an AS/GS).
6. Please sign and date the form. If you have technical difficulties with the form, please email