1201 14
ELDORA, IA 50627
Application Date: Date Received by Office:
First Name: Last Name: MI: Birth Date:
Previous or Maiden Name: Veteran: Yes No Dates of Service:
Social Security #: Phone Number (s):
Sex: M F U.S. Citizen: Yes No If you are not a citizen, are you in the country legally? Yes No
Marital Status: Never married Married Divorced Separated Widowed
Current Address:
Street Address City Zip Code
I live: Alone With Relatives With Unrelated Persons Date you moved here:
Others Living in Household:
I rent my apartment/home and pay $ per week OR $ per month.
Landlord Name & Address:
I am purchasing my home and my monthly payment is $ .
I own my home (mortgage is paid off). Present market value is $ .
I live with friends or relatives and pay $ per week OR $ per month.
What utilities are included in your rent?
Do you receive assistance with your rent? (Section 8, HUD, student house, etc.) Yes No
Are you a student? Yes No If yes, where?
Current Employment (Applicant): Unemployed Employed
Current Employment (Others in Household): Unemployed Employed
Current Employer: Position:
Dates of Employment: Hourly Wage: Hours Worked Weekly:
Employment History (list starting with most recent to previous)
Emergency Contact Person
Name: Relationship:
Address: Phone:
INCOME: Proof of income may be required with this application including but not limited to pay-stubs, tax-returns, etc.
If you have reported no income, how do you pay your bills? (Do not leave blank if no income is reported.)
Net Monthly Income (After Taxes): Check type and fill in the amount on the lines.
Applicant Others in Household
Social Security
Veteran’s Benefits
Employment Wages
Child Support
Rental Income
Dividends, Interest, etc.
Total Monthly Income
HOUSEHOLD RESOURCES: Check type and fill in the amount and location on the lines.
Amount Bank, Trustee or Company
Checking Account
Savings Account
Certificate of Deposit (CD)
Trust Funds
Stocks and Bonds (cash value)
Burial Fund/Life Ins (cash value)
Retirement Funds (cash value)
Total Resources
Motor Vehicles: Yes No Make & Year: Estimated value:
(include car, truck, motorcycle, Make & Year: Estimated value:
boat, recreational vehicle, etc.) Make & Year: Estimated value:
Do you, your spouse, or dependent children own or have interest in the following:
House (including the one you live in?)
Yes No Any other real estate or land? Yes No
If yes to any of the above, please explain:
Have you sold or given away any property in the last five (5) years? Yes No
If yes, what did you sell or give away?
Health Insurance (Check all that apply)
Primary Carrier (Pays 1
) Secondary Carrier (Pays 2
Applicant Pays Medicaid Family Planning Only Applicant Pays Medicaid Family Planning Only
Medicare A, B, D Medically Needy MEPD Medicare A, B, D Medically Needy MEPD
No Insurance Private Insurance HAWK-I No Insurance Private Insurance HAWK-I
Company Name: Company Name:
Address: Address:
Policy Number: Policy Number:
(or Medicaid/Title 19 or Medicare Claim Number) (or Medicaid/Title 19 or Medicare Claim Number)
Start Date:
Any limits? Yes No Start Date: Any limits? Yes No
Spend Down: Deductible: Spend Down: Deductible:
Have you applied for any of the public programs listed below?
(Please check those you have applied for and the status of your referral)
Has your application been Approved or Denied?
If denied and you appealed, what is the date of appeal?
Have you applied for reconsideration? Yes No
Have you had a hearing with an Administrative Law Judge? Yes No
If yes, what was the date of the scheduled hearing?
Social Security SSDI Medicare
SSI Medicaid DHS Food Assistance
Veterans Unemployment FTP
Other Other
Disability Group/Primary Diagnosis: (if known)
Why are you here today? What services do you NEED? (this section must be completed as part of this application)
I do certify that all the facts given by me in this application are correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I hereby
authorize any banking or savings institution, employer, firm, corporation, or persons to disclose to a representative of
Community Services any information which is desired in order to document or verify that information which I have provided
in connections with this application. I also understand that the information may routinely be shared with the Department of
Human Services, the Department of Employment Services, the Social Security Administration, and federal, state, and county
staff for auditing.
I understand that I am required to report all changes in my circumstances, such as income, resources, living arrangements,
etc., which may affect continued eligibility for County General Assistance. These changes shall be reported within 10 days
of the date of the change. Failure to report these changes may result in denial of continued eligibility for assistance.
Applicant’s Signature (or Legal Guardian) Date
Signature of Person Completing Form Date
(if not applicant or legal guardian)