General Education Course Proposal
New Courses, Course Revisions and Course Deletions
Course (new or existing):
Subject Catalog No. Title Units
Department: College:
GE Category (Check one category only):
Foundation: A1 ; A2 ; A3 ; B4
Breadth: B1 ; B2 ; C1 ; C2 ; D ; E
Integration: IB ; IC ; ID ; International/Multicultural: MI
Check one of the following:
Propose a new course ______; New courses require an Undergraduate Course Proposal form (via Bizflow) in
addition to this form.
Revise an existing course ______; Revised courses require an Undergraduate Course Change Request form (via
Bizflow) in addition to this form.
Delete an existing course from GE ______; Course deletion from GE only requires this form (if you
checked this box, do not complete the following).
Proposed catalog description: List prerequisites, limitations, and lecture/lab hours. Provide a course description;
this MUST BE limited to 40 words. Indicate former course number if necessary, e.g. (Formerly BIOL 105).
Enrollment limit per section (check GE program class size limitations in APM 215):_______
Expected number of sections per semester: Year 1 _____; Year 2 ______
1. A justification of how the course meets the specific GE requirements
2. Any additional operating money and/or instructional equipment required beyond present levels, or
any other special cost factors associated with this course.
3. A typical syllabus
for the course that incorporates all components of the current undergraduate course
template, and that includes elements common to all sections of the course, identifying content, learning
outcomes, required student activities, grading policy, required and recommended texts and readings, and
an approximate schedule for the course. Required student activities include but are not limited to papers,
research projects, homework, laboratory and/or studio performance, recitations, participation, attendance,
and exams. The syllabus must also include the specific writing or performance requirements that comply
with GE Policies and the GE Writing Requirements
in APM 215
(e.g. typical paper assignments,
research projects or performance requirements).
4. A plan for assessing the Student Learning Outcomes for the appropriate GE area, including the student
work to be evaluated and the rubric or standardized method by which the work will be evaluated.
you complete this form, submit it via Bizflow
Approved 10/14/16