Grants Review Process
The Governance and Planning Committee (GAP) of Mission College has approved the use of the following Grants Review
Process (GRP) for all proposals for new and renewal funding from external sources.
The grants review process is intended to perform the following:
1. Provide a uniform and consistent review process for all new and renewable grant applications.
2. Ensure that grants are consistent with goals and objectives of the college.
3. Ensure that thought and planning have been given to staffing, space and equipment.
4. Ensure that direct, in-kind and indirect costs have been fully considered.
Grant initiators must work with the Grants Advisory Committee (GAC) prior to seeking approval from the President of
Mission College. The Grants Advisory Committee will make a recommendation to the President, who will then sign to
approve or deny the grant proposal. Grant initiators are encouraged to contact the Grants Advisory Committee Chair
early to ensure a quick turnaround; it is not necessary to have the grant application fully completed in order to begin the
grants review process. The goal of the committee is to have a recommendation made within a two week timeframe.
Once approved by the President, applications must be submitted to the Vice Chancellor, Administrative Services and the
Chancellor at least one week prior to the grant application deadline for approval at the District level. Upon District
approval, grant applications are submitted to the grantor.
1. Complete the Mission College “Grant Summary Form”.
a) As stated, provide a grant abstract no longer than 500 words or attach the Letter of Intent (if the funding
agency requires an abstract with your grant application, you may use the same abstract here as on your
b) Obtain Approvals where applicable
2. Submit both the “Grants Summary Form” and the abstract to the Grants Committee Chair (electronic
submission is required so that materials may be emailed to GAC members).
3. The GAC Chair will call a meeting of the Grants Committee to review the submitted materials. The Chair may
invite the grant initiator to make a presentation.
4. GAC will make a recommendation to the President.
5. Submit a copy of the completed final checklist (see attached) to the GAC Chair when the grant application is
ready for Vice Chancellor and/or Chancellor signatures (required at least one week prior to the grant
application deadline).
6. Submit final grant application to the funding agency, with a copy of the final grant application to the GAC
The Grants Advisory Committee is a participatory governance subcommittee of GAP and will consist of 8 members. The
committee may invite additional college community members as appropriate. The following members constitute the
Grants and External Resource Committee:
Dean overseeing Grants
(2) Classified Staff
(2) Faculty
(2) Students
GAC Chair: Donna Hale 408-855-5226 donna.hale@wvm.edu
District Advancement Office: Cindy Schelcher 408-741-2165 cindy.schelcher@wvm.edu
District Chancellor’s Office: Tracy Johnson 408-741-2011 tracy.johnson@wvm.edu
District Vice Chancellor’s Office: Christina Booth 408-741-2085 christina.booth@wvm.edu
To view the Grants Handbook, visit http://wv-atlas.wvmccd.cc.ca.us/depts/grants/grants_handbook/Grants_Main1.pdf