Graduate Assistantships at
Montana State University Billings
Graduate assistantships are offered to well qualified current or
prospective graduate students who have been admitted to a
master’s degree program. Applications are considered on a
competitive basis. In order to be considered for an assistantship,
students must fill out the enclosed application by the deadline
specified in the job announcement.
The Program
Graduate assistants have an opportunity to work with professionals
in areas commensurate with their course of study. This enables the
graduate assistant to contribute significantly to his/her own
intellectual development while gaining valuable professional
experience and receiving a stipend. The college community benefits
as well, as graduate assistants serve a vital role in the departments,
offices, and programs where they are employed. Graduate assistant
positions are available in most programs and some student support
services. Visit the Graduate Studies website at
for a comprehensive list of graduate
assistantships available.
Types of Assistantships
There are three types of assistantships available. Graduate
Assistants assist the administrative staff of a department or program
within the University. Teaching Assistants serve an instructional role
in a class or laboratory within a specific department or program at
the University, performing pedagogical (teaching) functions such as
preparing lectures, conducting classes, constructing and grading
tests. Research Assistants assume research-oriented
responsibilities such as library research, fieldwork, laboratory
experiments, writing and/or editing material.
Compensation and Academic Load
Stipends for graduate assistants vary by job. Teaching
and Research assistants receive a stipend above
$2000/semester based on duties and responsibilities.
Students receiving stipends and/or waivers are required to
carry nine (9) semester credits each semester, six (6) of
which must be at the graduate level. Some assistantships
may also include a waiver credit to be applied to tuition
costs only.
Application Review
Graduate assistants are chosen on a competitive basis;
therefore, applicants are expected to exhibit a record of
quality academic achievement. Life experience related to
the area of interest will be considered where relevant. In
the course of the review process, candidates may be
contacted to appear for an interview. Graduate Assistants
must maintain a 3.0 cumulative GPA every semester of
employment. Failure to do so will result in the loss of the
The duties of graduate assistants will generally be related
to their academic and professional goals. A maximum of
19 hours per week are required for Teaching and
Research assistants
Pursuant to Titles VI and VII of the Civil Rights Act, Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the
Rehabilitation Act, Executive Order 11246 as amended, American With Disabilities Act of 1990, and the Montana State Human
Rights Act – Montana State University Billings has a policy of nondiscrimination in employment practices and in admission,
access to, and conduct of educational programs and activities. Discrimination is prohibited on the basis of race, sex, color,
national origin, religion, age, disability, or marital status. Any student, employee, or applicant for admission may file a
discrimination grievance. Inquires or grievances should be directed to the Human Resources/EEO-AA director in McMullen Hall
Room 310, 591010-0298, phone (406) 657-2278. For more detailed information please refer to