Please complete the following information regarding the funding of your agency.
NOTE: Response is mandatory. Failure to complete this form accurately may impact your agency’s authority to collect fees for prehospital
patient care.
Name of EMS agency DOH agency code
Does your EMS agency bill (collect fees for prehospital transport/patient care)?
Yes No
If Yes, does your agency process its own billing and filings to Medicare/Medicaid/private insurance for prehospital transport/patient care fees?
Yes No
If Yes, skip to Funding Sources section below.
If No, indicate the name of the “Service Bureau” or contractor that processes the billing for your EMS agency
EMS Agency NYS Medicaid provider ID number
Service Bureau NYS Medicaid ID number
Note: if your contractor also provides EMS, the Service Bureau is not the same ID used by that EMS agency for its own billing, or your ID this
is a separate ID number issued to the contractor by Medicaid authorizing the contractor to process/submit billing for 3rd party EMS agencies.
The New York State Department of Health will assume that failure to provide a valid ID number for a Medicaid Service Bureau
indicates that your service’s billing practices and/or contractor services are unlawful and will report them to the New York State
Office of Health Insurance Programs.
Funding Sources
Identify ALL of the funding sources received by your EMS agency.
Fire District(s)[NOT fire protection districts]
(If more than one district, list additional on back of this page. List Fire Protection Districts below)
Ambulance District [legal name of taxing district]
(If more than one district, list additional on page 2)
Municipal Contracts [other than fire districts]
(List all municipalities your agency holds EMS contracts with including County, City, Town, Village, and Fire Protection Districts.
List additional municipalities on page 2)
Donations or fund-raisers
Not-for-profit status
501(c)(3) Other NFP
Other funding sources not identified above
(Include agreements/contracts with service fees to provide ALS to other certified services. i.e., ALS assists)
Service’s approximate total annual EMS operating budget
Is your service an operator for another service that bills?
Yes No
If Yes, service name Agency code
Name of person completing this form
Title of person completing form
Date completed
Signature of person completing this form Date
Funding Document For EMS Agencies
New York State Department of Health
Bureau of Emergency Medical Services
DOH-5131 (9/14) p1 of 2