Effective 2019-
15. Workshops/Conferences- Live or Pre-recorded
Live Workshops/Conferences Sample Documentation: A brochure or agenda, proof of attendance such as a receipt for
registration fees and an explanation of how it relates to improvement of professional effectiveness.
Pre-recorded workshops/conferences Sample Documentation:
If 3 or more faculty watch a pre-recorded workshop at the same time, a sign-in sheet will suffice as documentation.
If an individual faculty watches a pre-recorded workshop, a brief but detailed paragraph about the workshop and an
explanation of how it relates to improvement of professional effectivenes will suffice as documentation.
16. Continuing education (UNLESS taken at a college for salary advancement)
Sample Documentation: Course description, plus a transcript or official grade report and an explanation of how the
course relates to improvement of professional effectiveness
17. Modifying an existing course:
New text book (only during the first semester the instructor uses the new text)
New online component
Developing lab component or changing existing labs
Applying a theme to the course
Creating PowerPoint lectures
Creating a learning management shell for your course (on the condition that the instructor is not receiving
release time or stipend)
New to teaching a course or a significant amount of time has passed since course has been taught
Sample Documentation: Copy of course syllabus, log, journal or other document with an explanation of the activity,
product or outcome information.
18. Institutional research
Documentation: An explanation of the research problem undertaken, a summary of activities including dates and
times, and if applicable an annotated bibliography of all works researched.
19. Student outreach
Sample Documentation: A log, journal or other document verifying dates, times, and an explanation of the activity,
product or outcome information.
20. Writing grants
Sample Documentation: A log, journal or other document verifying dates, times, and an explanation of the activity,
product or outcome information.
21. Preparing a course to go through curriculum committee
Sample Documentation: Screen shot of course outline cover page containing the name of the originator.
22. Other (Note: Must document in advance)
Documentation: Fully documented by a log, journal or other document verifying dates, times, and an explanation of
the activity, product or outcome information and how it relates to improvement of professional effectiveness.