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Any queries? Please contact the Membership Secretary membership@BlueChipSUPerClub.co.uk or via the club’s phone no
0208 715 0040 - Blue Chip SUPer Club Head Office: 94 Church Hill Road, Sutton, Surrey, SM3 8LJ
Thames Sailing Club, Portsmouth Road, Surbiton KT6 4HH - Registered as a Charity: 1186490
Issue - July 2020
Child Prote
tion –
I confirm that I accept Rule 3.3(a) requiring a parent or guardian to ensure the wellbeing of
their children whilst attending or being involved with Thames Sailing Club or associated activities.
Please comp
lete the Membership Application Form (leaving the proposer and Seconder blank) and send to the address
below or email to membership@BlueChipSUPerClub.co.uk
Adult Candidate’s signature: Date:
Juniors can only join our club paddles as a guest of parent who is a current member
For Club use only
I, the undersigned, wish to propose the above candidate for election into this club:
General Committee member’s name ………………………………………………… Date: …………………….
Club member’s name ………………………………………………… Date: …………………..…..
Payment - Bank Transfer is our preferred method of payment - However, you can also pay by cash
Bank transfer to:
Account Name:-
Account Number:-
Blue Chip Sailboards
Barclays Bank
Sort Code:- 20-84-17
Ref: “Your Name” and “NewMEM” please. - Please print off and attach confirmation of electronic payment.
Please indicate method of payment and total paid: Cash - BACS Total Paid: £75 - £150
This form must be signed by a Club Member and a Thames Sailing Club General Committee member.
1. The completed form must be returned to the Club Membership Secretary together with the Membership fee.
The applicant’s name is displayed on the TSC club noticeboard for a minimum of 2 weeks and is then presented at the
next TSC General Committee meeting for approval. and until confirmation, you will have temporary membersh
Upon approval the Temporary Member will be written to via email, to confirm his/ her membership. In the unlikely event
that the application is turned down the Membership Fee will be refunded in
Blue Chip SUPer Club and Thames Sailing Club aims to keep the fees as low as possible and voluntary support
and assistance from our members goes a long way to ensuring that it is fun for all.
Membership fees are annual, and are determined by Blue Chip and TSC as appropriate
Members joining after 1st October will not need to renew until 1st January the following year
All membership subscription renewals are due on 1st January