Please complete all information on the reverse of this form, and follow the instructions below. One form may be
used for multiple expenses. You may mail or fax your request to us, or you may submit your claim electronically If you have a question or need assistance in filing this form, you are welcome to call us at (541)
485-7488 or (800) 422-7038 and we will be happy to assist you.
1. After completing the Request for Reimbursement Form, attach a copy of insurance Explanation of Benefits (EOB)
or bills/account histories for services you have received. Documentation submitted must include:
a. The date(s) of service
b. A description of the charge
c. The amount you are responsible for paying (charges less insurance and discounts).
Finance charges and interest fees are not eligible.
2. If a service has been partially covered by insurance, send a copy of the Explanation of Benefits (EOB) received
from the insurance company. Include only the amount you will actually be paying for a service. PacificSource
Administrators cannot reimburse you for amounts that will be paid by insurance.
3. Third party verification is required; therefore, cancelled checks and/or check copies may not be used as
4. Please retain originals of the bills/forms submitted for your personal tax records. We store documents
electronically and destroy the originals after processing; therefore, originals will not be returned to you. Incomplete
Reimbursement Request Forms, or those received without proper documentation attached, cannot be processed.
If this happens, you will receive a letter of explanation.
5. In certain instances, statements from your healthcare provider may be necessary to verify the medical necessity
of the procedure or prescription. Please call if you have questions.
1. After completing the Request for Reimbursement Form, attach a copy of the bill showing the insurance carrier’s
name, period of coverage, and the amount you are responsible for paying. A description of the type of coverage
(such as dental, vision, fire, or ambulance) should be included under “brief description.”
2. Third party verification is required; therefore, cancelled checks and/or check copies may not be used as
3. Please retain originals of the bills/forms submitted for your personal tax records. Refer to #4 above for more
1. After completing the Request for Reimbursement Form, attach a copy of the bill showing the Provider’s name,
period of service, and the amount you are responsible for paying. Childcare expenses may be submitted for
children up to the age of 13.
2. Third party verification is required; therefore, cancelled checks and/or check copies may not be used as
documentation. If your daycare provider does not provide documentation, you may provide the information on the
front of our Request Form. If they do not provide you with their own form of documentation, your daycare provider
must sign the front of the Request Form where indicated each time you submit a claim. (Photocopied signatures
are not accepted.) In certain instances, statements from your healthcare provider may be necessary to verify the
medical necessity of adult daycare. Please call if you have questions.
3. Please retain originals of the bills/forms submitted for your personal tax records. Refer to #4 above for more
Request for Reimbursement from FSA or HRA_0714