Fresno County Parks
Picnic Area / Group Area Reservations
Date ______________________
Full Name ______________________________________________________
Current Address ________________________________________________
City _____________________ State ________ Zip Code _______________
Phone Number __________________________________________________
Cell Phone Number ______________________________________________
Will you be having a bounce-house or other inflatables? ☐Yes ☐No
If yes, you must fill out the Special Event Permit (no charge) and provide a Certificate of Liability from your bounce-house
provider naming the County of Fresno as additionally insured. (See example).
The cost of reserving picnic areas varies depending on the location and size of the area. Please see the attached pages for a
complete description of the different picnic locations, accommodations and costs.
To request a reservation:
1. Fill out the information at the top of this form.
2. Select your first and second preferences below with the number 1 and 2 (It is recommended that you visit the park to
get an idea of what area will work best for your group). See Reservation Information for details on each picnic site.
3. Call (559) 600-3004 to verify availability.
4. Put your check or money order (no cash please), and this form in an envelope and mail it to the address below.
If you intend to have a bounce-house, include the Special Event Permit and Certificate of Liability.
5. Reservation confirmation will be sent to the address listed above when your check is received.
County of Fresno
Resources Division / Parks
2220 Tulare Street, 6
Fresno, CA 93721
If you would like to pay with cash, please come into our office at the above address. If you need more information please call
(559) 600-3004. The office hours are Monday through Friday, from 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM.
Please choose a first (1) and second (2) choice:
____Kearney Park – Camphor Grove
____Kearney Park – Section 1A
____Kearney Park – Garfield Corner
____Kearney Park – Section 2A
____Kearney Park – Lakeview
____Kearney Park – Section 4
____Kearney Park – Oak Knoll A
____Kearney Park – Tea House
____Kearney Park – Oak knoll B
____Lost Lake Park – Group Picnic Area
____Kearney Park – Section 1
____Lost Lake Park – Volleyball Area