Tennessee Technological University
Faculty Qualifications Certification Form
(to be completed with initial employment, with a copy kept in faculty members department personnel file)
Form is not valid without required documentation.
Name _______________________________ T-Number or last 4 digits SSN__________________
Department __________________________ Initial Appointment
(semester/year) _________________
Check one on each line:
_____ full-time _____ part-time
_____ temporary _____ permanent
_____ non-tenurable _____ tenure-track _____ tenured
Qualifications (check all that apply):
_____ Earned terminal degree in the teaching discipline (if the master’s degree is considered the terminal
degree in the discipline, explanation and documentation must be attached)
1, 2
_____ Earned terminal degree in a related discipline, with significant background in the teaching area
_____ Master’s degree with a major in the teaching discipline
_____ Master’s degree in any discipline, plus 18 graduate semester hours in the teaching discipline
_____ Exception based on outstanding professional experience and demonstrated contributions to the teaching
discipline; normally with an earned bachelor’s degree (an explanatory memo and other supporting
documentation must be attached)
_____ Official transcripts
_____ CV
_____ Other (attach)
Faculty member possesses at least the minimum qualifications (by highest degree held or exception) to
teach at the following level:
___ Doctoral ___ Specialist/Masters ___ Baccalaureate ___ Other
_________________________ _________ __________________________ _________
Departmental Chairperson Date Dean Date
Minimum qualification to teach at the doctoral level.
The masters degree in a discipline where that degree is considered a terminal degree or a masters degree in the
discipline coupled with an earned terminal degree in a related discipline is the minimum qualification for teaching at the
masters or specialists level.
Acceptable at baccalaureate level only. Documentation should include a detailed account of professional and work
experience, technical and performance competency, records of publications, certifications, licenses, and other relevant
Revised 9-16-14