Form P18
Faculty Member's Name
1. It has been determined that the faculty member meets the criteria for consideration for
2. Evaluation by departmental/unit faculty: Out of a total of
qualified departmental/unit
peers, ____ peers have submitted recommendations as follows (show total for each category).
Date and Initials of Committee
The vote of the departmental/unit faculty shall be interpreted as follows: A majority vote for the
option to promote or not to promote is required for either of the options to be presented as the
recommendation of the faculty. Majority is to be determined by the majority of the qualified
departmental/unit peers, not the majority of those voting.
3. Profile of recommendations at all levels (spaces provided on the right to be dated and
initialed at each level):
Departmental/Unit Chairperson
Provost and Vice President for Academic
Enclosures (in order): Form P1, Form P2, Form P3, Forms P4, and P5 for each year since the
faculty member was employed (maximum of four years), student evaluations (using an approved
University instrument) for at least one term each year (in all classes) for each of the previous
four years or since initial appointment, whichever is the shorter period, and grade distributions
(showing the course average against the students' average) for the terms in which the submitted
student evaluations were conducted, and, if available, letters from departmental/unit peers, letter
from the departmental/unit chairperson, letter from the administrator to whom the faculty
member immediately reports, if not the departmental/unit chairperson, letter(s) from advisees,
and from individuals from outside the department/unit if used in the promotion evaluation. The
dossier organization should follow the Promotion Dossier Checklist.
*Complete list of peers qualified to vote must be attached.