Form L2
Check-off list to determine whether faculty member meets the minimum requirements for
consideration for promotion:
1. The faculty member holds a full-time appointment in one of the following academic
ranks (see TTU Policy 206 - Faculty Promotion, Section V.)
____ a. lecturer ____ b. senior lecturer ____ c. master lecturer
2. For promotion to senior lecturer, the faculty member
____ Documented evidence of high quality teaching and contribution to student
____ holds a minimum of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in the
instructional discipline or related area;
____ has completed five full academic years at the rank of lecturer at the end of the
academic year during which the faculty member is applying for promotion to
senior instructor;
____ Shows evidence of good character, mature attitude, and professional integrity.
For promotion to master lecturer, the faculty member
____ Documented evidence of teaching excellence and superior contribution to student
____ holds a minimum of a Master's degree from an accredited institution in the
instructional discipline or related area;
____ has completed five full academic years at the rank of senior lecturer at the end of
the academic year during which the faculty member is applying for promotion to
master lecturer;
____ Evidence of good character, mature attitude, professional integrity and a high
degree of academic maturity and responsibility.
____ The faculty member has indicated in writing that he/she wishes to be considered for
____ Exceptions to the above minimum rank qualifications may be made by
recommendation of the President. If so, check this item.
Completed by__________________________________________________________________
Position___________________________________ Date_______________________________