g. Forward the Dossier which includes the recommendation memo and
Form L18, to the Dean by March 1.
4. a. The dean of the college shall review the dossier, make a recommendation
using Form L18, and forward all the documents to the Vice President for
Academic Affairs by March 15.
b. If the dean disagrees with the recommendation as expressed in the vote of the
departmental/unit peers, he/she shall write a letter to the peers informing them
of the reasons for his/her decision. A copy of the letter shall be sent to the
departmental/unit chairperson, to the administrator to whom the faculty
member immediately reports, if other than the departmental/unit chairperson,
and to the candidate, and a copy of the letter shall be placed in the promotion
5. a. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall review the dossier, make
a recommendation using Form L18, and forward all the documents to
the President by March 30.
b. If the Vice President for Academic Affairs disagrees with the recommendation
as expressed in the vote of the departmental/unit peers, he/she shall write a
letter to the peers informing them of the reasons for his/her decision. A copy
of the letter shall be sent to the dean, to the departmental/unit chairperson, to
the administrator to whom the faculty member immediately reports, if other
the departmental/unit chairperson, and to the candidate, and a copy of the letter
shall be placed in the promotion dossier.
6. The President shall
a. upon receipt of the dossier from the office of the Vice President for Academic
Affairs, review Form L18, make a recommendation, and, not later than the last
day of the academic year,
(1) if the recommendation agrees with the vote of the
departmental/unit peers and is affirmative, submit it to the TTU
Board of Trustees.
(2) if it agrees with the vote of the departmental/unit peers and
is negative, inform the candidate by letter of his/her
(3) if it disagrees with the vote of the departmental/unit peers and is
negative, inform the candidate by letter of the reasons for his/her
disagreement (with a copy to the Vice President for Academic
Affairs, the dean, the departmental/unit chairperson, the