Form L1
Name ______________________________________________________________
Instructions: This form is utilized for promotion consideration of Lecturers and serves as a
check-off list, assuring uniform procedural integrity at all levels of evaluation. It is initiated
by the departmental/unit chairperson. The person responsible for any given step should, in
the spaces provided, initial and date that step at its completion.
1. The departmental/unit chairperson
a. Prior to January 15, shall determine whether a Lecturer, not previously
eligible, has become eligible to be considered for promotion by completing
Form L2 and ask those concerned to state in writing (use Form L6) whether
they do or do not wish to be considered for promotion. Alternatively, a
faculty member that was previously informed they were eligible for
promotion shall submit Form L6a to the departmental/unit chair by January
21 to request promotion consideration.
b. Compile a list of departmental/unit peers qualified to vote as stipulated in
Section III.15 Promotion Procedures and Forms.
c. Notify the departmental/unit peers by letter (Form L15) that the promotion
dossier is complete, and arrange for a meeting at which the qualifications of
the candidate will be discussed and the vote will be taken.
d. Determine, based on the vote of the departmental/unit peers, whether the
faculty member is to be recommended for promotion using Form LP.
e. If the departmental/unit chairperson disagrees with the recommendation as
expressed in the vote of the departmental/unit peers, he/she shall write a letter
to those peers informing them of the reasons for his/her decision. A copy of
the letter shall be sent to the administrator to whom the faculty member
immediately reports, if other than the departmental/unit chairperson, and to
the candidate, and a copy of the letter shall be placed in the promotion
f. Transmit a copy of the departmental/unit Chairs promotion recommendation
memo and notify the candidate of the vote of the departmental/unit peers.
Use Form L17.
g. Forward the Dossier which includes the recommendation memo and
Form L18, to the Dean by March 1.
4. a. The dean of the college shall review the dossier, make a recommendation
using Form L18, and forward all the documents to the Vice President for
Academic Affairs by March 15.
b. If the dean disagrees with the recommendation as expressed in the vote of the
departmental/unit peers, he/she shall write a letter to the peers informing them
of the reasons for his/her decision. A copy of the letter shall be sent to the
departmental/unit chairperson, to the administrator to whom the faculty
member immediately reports, if other than the departmental/unit chairperson,
and to the candidate, and a copy of the letter shall be placed in the promotion
5. a. The Vice President for Academic Affairs shall review the dossier, make
a recommendation using Form L18, and forward all the documents to
the President by March 30.
b. If the Vice President for Academic Affairs disagrees with the recommendation
as expressed in the vote of the departmental/unit peers, he/she shall write a
letter to the peers informing them of the reasons for his/her decision. A copy
of the letter shall be sent to the dean, to the departmental/unit chairperson, to
the administrator to whom the faculty member immediately reports, if other
the departmental/unit chairperson, and to the candidate, and a copy of the letter
shall be placed in the promotion dossier.
6. The President shall
a. upon receipt of the dossier from the office of the Vice President for Academic
Affairs, review Form L18, make a recommendation, and, not later than the last
day of the academic year,
(1) if the recommendation agrees with the vote of the
departmental/unit peers and is affirmative, submit it to the TTU
Board of Trustees.
(2) if it agrees with the vote of the departmental/unit peers and
is negative, inform the candidate by letter of his/her
(3) if it disagrees with the vote of the departmental/unit peers and is
negative, inform the candidate by letter of the reasons for his/her
disagreement (with a copy to the Vice President for Academic
Affairs, the dean, the departmental/unit chairperson, the
administrator to whom the faculty member immediately reports,
if other than the departmental/unit chairperson, and the peers).
(4) if it disagrees with the vote of the departmental/unit peers and
is positive, submit the recommendation to the TTU Board of
b. for those candidates recommended to the Board for promotion, inform
the candidate by letter of the action of the Board; and
c. return the completed dossier to the department.