Title III Request for Professional Development Assistance/Travel Authorization Checklist
Travelers Name:
ATTENTION: This checklist serves as a guide to submit a detailed Request for Title III Professional Development
Assistance/Travel Authorization. This REQUEST is contingent on availability of funds, strength of justification and
approval. Please provide all requested documents listed below. Incomplete requests will be returned.
1. Completed Title III Request for Professional Development Assistance form/Travel Authorization form
For Faculty:
Signature of Supervisor or Chair is REQUIRED
Signature of Dean is REQUIRED
Signature of V.P. for Academic Affairs is REQUIRED
For Staff
Signature of Immediate Supervisor/Director and Corresponding V.P. is REQUIRED
2. The following must be submitted (if requesting advance payment by Title III):
Registration Information (include a copy of the invoice/registration confirmation and
Vendor ID [A#])
Airfare (only include if you would like your ticket purchased in advance, by Title III)
Secure flight on www.egencia.com
Include flight itinerary
Car Rental (Contact Purchasing Office AFTER PRIOR APPROVAL OF TITLE III OFFICE)
3. Supporting Documentation
Hotel Estimate
Conference/Workshop announcement and agenda
Copy of flight itinerary or mileage details, if driving
Meals & Incidental Expenses (GSA) print out
Misc. (Baggage, Airport Parking, Hotel Parking, Taxi/Shuttle Fee)
NOTE THE FOLLOWING: See Guidelines and Procedures Manual for complete listing of requirements for assistance.
Assistance will not be provided to present at a conference, serve on a committee or preside at a meeting.
Request for travel funds should be made at least thirty (30) business days prior to anticipated travel.
Request will only be considered from (beginning of fiscal year) October 1 through May 1, deadline.
Do not make any final arrangements before approval of request.
Secure all REQUIRED signatures before submitting to the Title III Office.
Airline requests made less than thirty (30) days prior to travel will not be approved.
Airline ticket amounts exceeding $550 will not be approved by the Title III Office.
Efforts should be made to make advanced travel arrangements to reduce costs, (i.e. Earlybird Registration)
Travel Reimbursement documents should be submitted within fourteen (14) days after return from travel.
*Please attach your checklist to your Request for Professional Development Assistance/Travel Authorization Request.
Traveler’s Signature Date:
AAMU Title III Strengthening Grants Program Form 1 Updated 12-1-18
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Efforts should be made to make advanced travel arrangements to reduce costs, (i.e. Earlybird Registration).
Requests for travel funds should be submitted to the Office of Title III, with required signatures at least thirty (30) working days prior to anticipated
travel. Requests for travel funds submitted to the Office of Title III less than thirty (30) days prior to travel will not be approved.
Requests for airline tickets should be made at least thirty (30) working days prior to travel. Airline ticket requests submitted to the Office of Title III less
than thirty (30) days prior to travel will not be approved.
The Office of Title III will only fund airline tickets that do not exceed five hundred fifty dollars ($550). Amounts exceeding $550 will not be approved.
REIMBURSMENTS: Report on Professional Development Activities form MUST BE INCLUDED, before reimbursement can be processed.
Travelers must submit original travel expense receipts within fourteen (14) days after return from travel to the Title III Office. Reimbursable original receipts
must be documented.
Name of Requester:
Job Title:
Office Extension:
Highest Degree Held:
E-mail Address:
Name of College/Department/Unit:
Number of years at the University:
Eligibility: Must be employed full time for at least 9 months (for faculty) and 12 months (for staff).
Title of Workshop /Conference/Class:
(Please attach copy of Announcement)
REQUIRED:(Complete page 2 AAMU Strategic Priority and Goal Support form). Provide a brief summary of how this assistance
will support the Strategic Plan of the University. Include specific and tangible examples of how this will be documented.
Latest University Travel Policies Apply ESTIMATED EXPENSES
(Check one) (Check one)
COST (Enter dollar
amounts below):
Additional Comments (if applicable):
Adv. Payment: Reimbursement:
Airfare: Car Mileage:
Adv. Payment: Reimbursement:
Required Signatures must be obtained and form submitted to the Office of Title III at least 30 days prior to travel.
______________________________ ________ ______________________________________ _______
Signature of Traveler Date (For Staff/Faculty) Signature of Supervisor/Chair Date
______________________________ ________ _______________________________________ _______
(For Faculty) Signature of Dean Date
(For Staff/Faculty) Signature of Corresponding Vice President
Title III Professional Development Assistance Approval
_______________________________ __________
Title III Director Date
_____________________________________ __________
President Date
Title III Action
Assistance Awarded Amount: _________________________ Date: ______________
Assistance Denied Reason for denial: _______________________________________________
Note: Airline ticket amounts exceeding $550
will not be approved by the Title III Office.
AAMU Title III Strengthening Grants Program
Form 1 Updated 12-1-18
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University Strategic Priorities and Goals that Professional Development Assistance/Travel supports:
(List strategic priority # and goal #; i.e. “Strategic Priority 6 – Goal 4”)
Provide summary of how this assistance will support the Strategic Plan of the University. Include specific and tangible examples
of how this will be documented.
Additionally, describe below, how participation in this professional development activity supports your
unit/department and how it aligns with your current job title/description/duties: