5. Purchase Price of Real Estate
Michigan Department of Treasury
2766 (Rev. 7-00)
This form must be filed whenever real estate or some types of personal property are transferred (even if you
are not recording a deed). It is used by the assessor to ensure the property is assessed properly and receives the
correct taxable value. It must be filed by the new owner with the assessor for the city or township where the
property is located within 45 days of the transfer. If it is not filed timely, a penalty of $5/day (maximum $200)
applies. The information on this form is NOT CONFIDENTIAL.
1. Street Address of Property
3. City /Township/Village of Real Estate
8. Buyer's (Transferee) Name and Mailing Address7. Seller's (Transferor) Name
I certify that the information above is true and complete to the best of my knowledge.
Owner's Signature If signer is other than the owner, print name and title.
This form is issued under authority of
P.A. 415 of 1994. Filing is mandatory.
6. Property Identification Number (PIN). If you don't have a PIN, attach legal description.
4. Date of Transfer (or land contract was signed)
Items 9 - 13 are optional. However, by completing
them you may avoid further correspondence.
9. Type of Transfer
Land Contract
The Michigan Constitution limits how much a property’s taxable value can increase while it is owned by the same person. Once the
property is transferred, the taxable value must be adjusted by the assessor in the following year to 50 percent of the property's usual
selling price. Certain types of transfers are exempt from adjustment. Below are brief descriptions of the types of exempt transfers;
full descriptions are in MCL Section 211.27a(7)(a-n). If you believe this transfer is exempt, indicate below the type of exemption
you are claiming. If you claim an exemption, your assessor may request more information to support your claim.
transfer from one spouse to the other spouse
change in ownership solely to exclude or include a spouse
transfer of that portion of a property subject to a life lease or life estate (until the the life lease or life estate expires)
transfer to effect the foreclosure or forfeiture of real property
transfer by redemption from a tax sale
transfer into a trust where the settlor or the settlor's spouse conveys property to the trust and is also the sole beneficiary of the trust
transfer resulting from a court order unless the order specifies a monetary payment
transfer creating or ending a joint ownership if at least one person is an original owner of the property (or his/her spouse)
transfer to establish or release a security interest (collateral)
transfer of real estate through normal public trading of stocks
transfer between entities under common control or among members of an affiliated group
transfer resulting from transactions that qualify as a tax-free reorganization
transfer of qualified agricultural property when the property remains qualified agricultural property and affidavit has been filed.
other, specify:
PIN. This number ranges from 10 to 25 digits.
It usually includes hypens and sometimes
includes letters. It is on the property tax bill
and on the assessment notice.
2. County
Is the transfer between related persons?
11. Amount of Down Payment
13. Amount Financed (Borrowed)
Transfers include deeds, land contracts, transfers involving
trusts or wills, certain long-term leases and interest in a
business. See the back for a complete list.
If you financed the purchase,
did you pay market rate of interest?
Other (specify)