Highest Degree Level for Part-Time Teaching Faculty
Form to be completed by chair or program director
Form last revised on 1/19/2016
HLC Statement:
The following is an excerpt from the Higher Learning Commission’s statement on Assumed Practices:
B.2.a. Faculty Roles and Qualifications
Instructors (excluding for this requirement teaching assistants enrolled in a graduate program and supervised by faculty)
possess an academic degree relevant to what they are teaching and at least one level above the level at which they
teach, except in programs for terminal degrees or when equivalent experience is established. In terminal degree
programs, faculty members possess the same level of degree. When faculty members are employed based on equivalent
experience, the institution defines a minimum threshold of experience and an evaluation process that is used in the
appointment process.
Instructors teaching at the doctoral level have a record of recognized scholarship, creative endeavor, or achievement in
practice commensurate with doctoral expectations. (B.2.b.)
See YSU Faculty Credentials Guidelines for the full HLC policy and guidelines.
Faculty Information:
• Faculty Member:
• Banner ID:
• Department:
• Highest Degree / Field:
Please indicate the highest level of credential that the instructor of record has attained to date.
Baccalaureate degree
in discipline (
d for applied associate courses only—please list on page 2 of form)
degree (any) +
aduate h
ours in discipline (credentialed for specific courses only—please list on page 2 of form)
Master’s degree in discipline (credentialed for all undergraduate courses in discipline)
Doctoral / Terminal degree in discipline or related discipline
Equivalent qualifications have been established (justify exception in box below and list the specific courses the instructor is
approved to teach)
Equivalent Qualifications:
Describe qualifications based upon accreditation guidelines or professional field licensure conforming to YSU Faculty Credentials Guidelines.