Complete the information requested in each section
according to the guidelines provided below. Please be
thorough and ll out all sections that apply. Submit the
completed enrollment form to your employer for processing.
Section A: Employee Information
• Please complete all information requested;
• If enrolling in a UnitedHealthcare of California HMO plan,
you must select a Primary Care Physician (PCP). Select
a PCP from the Provider Directory for yourself and each
of your family members by writing the PCP name and
Provider Number in the area provided. You may choose a
different PCP for each member of your family.
PCP selection is only required if a UnitedHealthcare
(HMO), UnitedHealthcare
Advantage, SignatureValue
UnitedHealthcare SignatureValue
Alliance, or
UnitedHealthcare SignatureValue
Focus plan is selected.
If you do not select a PCP when selecting one of these
plans, a PCP will be automatically assigned to you.
• If enrolling in a Dental HMO Plan, select a Primary Care
Dentist (PCD) from the Dental Provider Directory for
yourself and each of your family members. Write the PCD
name and Provider Number in the area provided. You may
choose a different Primary Care Dentist for each enrolling
member, however PCDs cannot be automatically assigned
and are only required for the Dental HMO plans.
Section B: Dependent Information
• Complete all information for each enrolling dependent,
including any enrolling dependent’s Social Security
• For each dependent enrolling in a UnitedHealthcare of
California HMO Plan, select a Primary Care Physician
(PCP) from the Provider Directory by writing the PCP
name and Provider Number in the area provided. You may
choose a different PCP for each member in your family.
If you do not select a PCP when selecting one of these
plans, a PCP will be automatically assigned to you.
• For each dependent enrolling in a Dental HMO Plan,
select a Primary Care Dentist from the Dental Provider
Directory. Write the PCD name and Provider Number in
the area provided. You may choose a different Primary
Care Dentist for each enrolling member, however PCDs
cannot be automatically assigned and are only required for
the Dental HMO plans.
• Verify that spousal and domestic partner coverage is
available through your Employer.
• Dependents are covered to age 26 and no full-time student
status is required.
Section C: Product Selection
• Benet offerings are dependent on your employer
selections. Check with your employer for available plan
options being offered to you.
• Check the box for each plan in which you or your
dependents are enrolling.
• All enrolling family members must select the same medical
and dental plan.
• When selecting a UnitedHealthcare or UnitedHealthcare
Benets Plan of California medical plan, write the three-
digit or four-digit plan code of your selection in the space
provided. For example: Plan Code GN-3.
• When selecting a UnitedHealthcare of California (HMO)
plan, write the description of the plan you selected. For
example: UnitedHealthcare SignatureValue
Section D: Other Medical Insurance/Health Plan
Coverage Information
• If you, your spouse/domestic partner, or any dependent
will be covered under any other medical insurance plan/
health plan, including Medicare, on the day this insurance/
health plan coverage begins, please complete this section.
If no other medical plan/coverage exists, please indicate
by checking NO.
Small Business Employee Enrollment
Form/Waiver of Coverage