University Core of Common Studies Substitution: Undergraduate
Purpose: Used by undergraduate students admitted prior to Summer 2018 to request the substitution of a Marquette Core Curriculum (MCC) course for a requirement in the University
Core of Common Studies (UCCS).
Student Instructions:
1. Visit your adviser to determine which MCC course may be substituted for a UCCS requirement.
2. Complete Sections 1 & 2 of this form using a computer.
a. a handwritten form will not be accepted.
b. an incomplete form without the required documents attached will not be processed and returned to you for completion.
3. Print the form using the 'Print Form' button.
4. Sign the form in Section 3; a digital signature is not acceptable.
5. Attach a copy of your Academic Requirements Report Graduation Checklist (PDF).
6. Submit the completed form with required documents to the college office of your primary major.
7. Once your request has been processed, your college office will contact you.
a. this request may not be used to apply a MCC course taken prior to fall 2018 to fulfill a UCCS requirement.
b. the MCC course indicated in Section 2 must be taken for a letter grade and a passing grade must be earned.
c. the MCC course indicated in Section 2 must be taken in the term indicated; if not, a new form must be submitted.
College Office Instructions:
1. Approve or deny the request in Section 4.
2. Notify the student of the decision.
3. Scan the request with all required documents to College Forms Complete in ImageNow
a. this request can only be denied if the student indicates a MCC course that does not fulfill the appropriate UCCS requirement, or the course was taken prior to fall 2018.
b. if this request is approved, hold the form until the substituted course is entered into Academic Advisement (AA).
c. if the student does not register in the term indicated, the form does not need to be scanned.
I wish to substitute the UCCS requirement of (check one)
Fall J Session
Section 4: College Office
New 3/2018
With this MCC course
Diverse Cultures
ENGL 1002
Current Degree/Major(s)
Last, First Middle
Section 1: Student Information
Section 2: Course Substitution Information
Section 3: Student Statement/Signature
I attest that all of the information above is true and correct and that I wish to have my academic record updated as described in Section 2. I understand that if I do not take the MCC
course in the term/year indicated in Section 2, I must submit a new form. Further, I understand that it is my responsibility to know and fulfill all university and college degree/major
requirements for all degrees/majors in which I am enrolled.
(e.g. HIST)
I will take the MCC course:
Business Administration
Engineering Health SciencesCommunication
Arts & Sciences
College of your primary major
(check one)
Individual & Social BehaviorHistory of Cultures & Societies
THEO (2nd level)Science & NatureMathematics & ReasoningLiterature & Performing Arts
Course Number
(e.g. 1601)
Rationale for Denial