Intellectual Property Office is an operating name of the Patent Office
Form TM21A
Change of owners name, address or email
No Fee
Use this form to record a change of name, address or email of the trade mark owner.
Do not use this form for the following other changes
Record a change of ownership, use form TM16
Correct the name or address of a registered owner because of a clerical error, use form TM26(R)
Record changes to the list of goods/services after publication, use form TM21B
Cancel or surrender some of the goods/services, use form TM23.
1. Trade mark number(s)
If not enough space, continue on separate sheet
Tick if any certication or collective marks
are included
Tick if continuation page is attached
2. Full name of recorded owner
As currently recorded on our register
3. Changes to be made to owner’s details
Tick as applicable
4. New name of owner
Witness statement required for correction of name
Note: If the owner’s name contains an error and you wish to correct it, then you must provide a witness statement with this form
explaining the reasons for your request.
For guidance on completing a witness statement visit our website
Witness statement
Tick if attached
5. New address details
Owner’s Name ► Complete Section 4
Address ► Complete Section 5
Email ► Complete Section 6
6. Owners new email address
7. Full name
Person making this request
(Complete if different to Section 5)
Note: We will send conrmation
to this address
Interest in the trade mark
Tick one of the options
8. Declaration
9. Other register changes
If you are ling any other form to change the register
details of the trade mark(s) listed, enter details here.
If not enough space use a continuation sheet
Note: to help us process a multiple request,
please provide the same reference on all your
forms in the “Your Reference” box on the last
page of the forms.
Number of pages attached to this form.
10. Your reference
Complete if you would like us to quote this in
communications with you, otherwise leave blank
Contact details
Name, daytime telephone number of the person
to contact in case of query
Please make sure you have remembered to:
Provide the trade mark number(s)
Sign and date the form
Where to send
Intellectual Property Ofce
Trade Marks Registry
Concept House
Cardiff Road
South Wales
NP10 8QQ
I declare there has been no change in the ownership of the trade mark(s), and
that I have the authority to request this change.
Recorded Owner
Recorded Representative for the Owner
(Please specify)
Form No Trade Mark No(s)
Data Privacy:
click to sign
click to edit
Continuation Page
Trade mark number Trade mark number Trade mark number