Form SSA-157 (02-2019)
27. List the benefits or services provided under
these programs.
28. Does your staff take applications or
determine eligibility for TANF, Medicaid, or
SNAP for any of the programs listed in
question 25?
Yes - Name the program.
29. How is the requested SSA data relevant to
determining entitlement/eligibility to benefits
or services under the programs your agency
Only complete questions 30-35 if your request is for research and statistical purposes only.
31. Indicate the form of data needed to
accomplish the purposes of your study.
Options include tabulations, statistical
outputs, micro data from SSA's program
records for individuals, and SSA data for
individuals that have been linked to other
sources of data.
Reminder: We normally release information in the form of tabulations,
statistical outputs or individual data that cannot be associated with an
individual, and only in rare instances do we release micro data.
32. Describe other sources of data to which you
will be linking SSA data (if applicable).
33. Describe any plans to publish or release the
research results including whether any
supporting documentation will be made
available in identifiable form.
34. Include the length of time you need to retain
the data in and the location where the data will
be housed.
Only complete questions 24-29 if you are a state agency.
24. If your agency already has an existing
agreement with SSA to receive SSA data, are
there any other programs or purposes for
requesting SSA data that you wish to add to
the current agreement?
25. Name the programs your agency administers
for which you are requesting SSA data.
26. Indicate whether the programs are federally-
funded (either fully or partially) or state-funded.
(If the program is not state funded but locally
funded, i.e., at the city or county level, please
23. List any current or previous data exchanges
your organization has with SSA (i.e., by SSA
agreement number or description).
30. Indicate if this is a request for a new project
within a current agreement.
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