Name of Person to Receive Return Informaon Aorney Number, Accountant Number, or PTIN
Street Address or PO Box Phone Number
Apt. or Suite Fax Number
City State ZIP Code Email Address
I authorize the person above to receive private data for the following:
Taxpayer Name Social Security Number or ITIN
Street Address or PO Box Minnesota or Federal Employer Idencaon Number (FEIN)(Sole Proprietors)
Apt. or Suite Phone Number Fax Number
City State ZIP Code Email Address
Form REV185i, Authorizaon to Release Individual or Sole Proprietor Tax Informaon
(Rev. 11/19)
Form REV185i Instrucons
Taxpayer RecipientType of Informaon
Purpose of This Form
By signing this form, you authorize the Minnesota Department of
Revenue to release private data to the person above.
An authorized recipient may inspect or receive private data,
but may not act on your behalf. To grant additional authority,
complete Form REV184i, Individual Power of Attorney.
Business Enes
To authorize the department to release nonpublic data about a
business, complete Form REV185b, Authorization to Release
Business Tax Information.
Your Signature
This authorization is not valid until it is signed and dated by
someone with legal authority to sign it. For most people, this is
the taxpayer whose data is being shared.
This authorizaon is not valid unl it is signed and dated by the taxpayer.
Parent, Guardian, Conservator: I cerfy that I have the legal authority to sign this form.
Signature Date Address, If Dierent from Taxpayer
Print Name and Title, If Applicable Phone Number City State ZIP Code
Send a signed copy of this form to the department:
Mail: Minnesota Department of Revenue, Mail Staon 7703, 600 Robert Street North, St. Paul, MN 55146
Fax: 651-556-5210
Type of Tax (Such as Income, Estate, Property Tax Refund, Withholding) or Debt Issue Document Type (Such as returns, W-2s, 1099s) Extended Expiraon Date
Read instrucons before compleng this form.
If granting authority for a joint return, only one spouse needs to
sign. Parents or legal guardians must sign for minors.
For legal guardians, conservators, personal representatives, and
others signing on behalf of the taxpayer, we require documents
and a photo ID to conrm your legal authority.
We reserve the right to request additional information as needed.
This authorization expires once the data is released. To extend the
amount of time this authorization is valid for, indicate when you
want it to expire in the Tax Type or Issue section of this form.
Phone: 651-556-3003 or 1-800-657-3909