Form REV184r, Revocaon of Power of Aorney
Read the instrucons before compleng this form.
Appointee Revocaon
Taxpayer Name Social Security Number or ITIN
Street Address or PO Box Minnesota or Federal Employer Idencaon Number (FEIN)
Apt. or Suite Phone Number
City State ZIP Code Email Address
Choose one opon below to revoke Power of Aorney authority on Minnesota Department of Revenue accounts.
OPTION 1 — Revoke Power of Aorney authority for one appointee.
Appointee Name Firm or Company Name
Street Address or PO Box Apt. or Suite
City State ZIP Code
OPTION 2 — Revoke Power of Aorney authority for all appointees at a company.
Firm or Company Name
Street Address or PO Box Apt. or Suite
City State ZIP Code
OPTION 3 — Revoke all Power of Aorney authority for all appointees (Only the taxpayer can remove all authority).
This revocaon is not valid unl it is signed and dated by someone with legal authority to sign agreements on behalf of the taxpayer.
Parent, guardian, conservator, or ocer: I cerfy that I have the legal authority to sign this form.
Send a signed copy of this form to the department:
Mail: Minnesota Department of Revenue, Mail Staon 4123, 600 N. Robert St., St. Paul, MN 55146
Fax: 651-556-5210
Form REV184r Instrucons
Signature Print Name and Title Date
Purpose of This Form
By signing this form, you direct the Minnesota Department of Revenue to revoke authority for the appointees listed above. The appointee will
no longer be able to represent the taxpayer or receive their private information.
Appointees can be reinstated using Form REV184i, Individual or Sole Proprietor Power of Attorney or Form REV184b, Business Power of
Your Signature
This revocation is not valid until it is signed and dated by someone with legal authority to sign it. For most people, this is the taxpayer whose
information is being shared.
Can a Power of Aorney appointee revoke themselves?
Appointees can withdraw their authority to represent a client by completing this form themselves.
Phone: 651-556-3003 or 1-800-657-3909
(Rev. 11/19)