Open Bible Churches
Pastor Review Guide
Form P-5
The purpose of a biennial, lead pastor review is to identify and affirm the lead pastor’s leadership
effectiveness, identify areas for growth, and collaborate on a plan for continued pastor leadership
development. The following assessment is designed to be self-administered by the lead pastor,
independently completed as a group by the governing board, and jointly discussed by pastor and board.
The Board’s Responsibility
Effective use of this pastor review is founded upon a premise that the lead pastor and members of the
governing board are committed and accountable to the priority of servant leadership and have yielded
personal agendas for the greater cause of Jesus Christ. A pastor review assumes members of the
governing board are motivated by love to affirm their lead pastor’s strengths, respectfully offer honest
assessment of leadership concerns, and support their pastor by helping to identify opportunities and
avenues for growth. Prayerfully submit this review to the Lord, determining that He will be glorified in
every way through what is said and how. Variations that this review may reveal between lead pastor and
governing board provide an opportunity to glorify the Lord by helping one another in a scriptural manner:
“As iron sharpens iron, a friend sharpens a friend” Proverbs 27:17 (NLT). In like manner, members of the
governing board must be introspectively open to review by and discussion of their leadership
effectiveness with the lead pastor.
What to do with the Results
The biennial pastor review shall be conducted confidentially between the lead pastor and governing
board. Although church members shall be invited to offer written input to the governing board regarding
the lead pastor review, the evaluations and discussion specifics between the lead pastor and governing
board shall not be divulged to members. At the conclusion of this process, the governing board shall
complete and submit the “Pastor Review Verification” to the regional executive director, confirming the
review has been completed and the lead pastor’s call to serve has been reaffirmed. The governing board
shall also reaffirm their support for the lead pastor to the membership. Should this review reveal major
conflict or irresolvable differences in evaluations and interpretations between the lead pastor and
governing board, the governing board and/or the lead pastor shall consult with the regional executive
director to request assistance. For churches where the pastor’s appointment was initially ratified by the
regional board of directors or an approved, apostolic council, copies of the review forms shall be
submitted to the regional executive director.
This Review and Verification
The following review is a tool to assess core leadership competencies of lead pastors. It is not intended to
be exhaustive, covering every gift, talent, and skill of a pastor. Rather, certain key, leadership
competencies are identified for analysis and discussion of strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities for
growth. The second part of the review is validation to the regional executive director that the review, as
required by church by laws, has been completed.