FDNY Bureau of Fire Prevention Fire Hazard Reporting/Complaint Form
Instructions for Processing
FDNY Bureau of Fire Prevention
Fire Hazard Reporting/Complaint Form
Form Name: FDNY Bureau of Fire Prevention Fire Hazard
Reporting/Complaint Form
Form Number: INTDOC - 5/2019
Purpose of form:
To provide instructions for the reporting of a fire hazard and fire safety related complaint
Who should use this document:
Any member of the public wishing to report a possible fire hazard or make a fire safety related complaint
After completion, the form should be E-mailed to: FDNY.BusinessSupport@fdny.nyc.gov
Once your request is submitted via e-mail, you will receive an e-mail response with an assigned Service Request Number. We
will respond to your request as soon as possible, typically within 3 business days.
Corruption Complaints:
Any improper conduct by Fire Department personnel should be promptly reported to the FDNY Confidential Line at 718-999-2646
or the Inspector General at 212-825-2402 or 2409
Special Instructions:
If unable to submit this written report/complaint form you may contact the Fire Department by calling 311 and request to speak
with the FDNY Fire Prevention Customer Service Center. If this is an emergency, call 911.